Does this sound correct?
Bought something on with Bitcoin - $86.88
Was expected to pay a miner fee by Bitcoin QT. Worked out to $0.05
So I had to pay 5 cents fee on an $87 purchase.
Should we stop saying Bitcoin is free? I mean ...
I know - beating a dead horse, but every time I have to pay, I ask myself why I tell people its free.
It's not free. It's not intended to be free. You are correct in questioning your motives for making that claim. Still, $0.05 is a lot less than fees for paying with any credit card; it's just more obvious because they payer includes the fee rather than the payee quietly pricing it in.
Set your computer to mine; run low priority in the background. Download the client and use your own PC to relay the transaction. It's free for those who support the network by mining. Non miners support the network with a small fee. Obviously your power cost is a factor, but it will likely average out for you if you just run a low priority process.
Google how to do it all if you aren't sure. The info is there.
This is terrible advice and would not help your situation in any way. Pay no attention to this idiot.