The big gains are done, smart people like myself bought PIVX when it was 2m marketcap and now i'm buying bitsend at a similar price. Dummies are always late to the party.
What is bitsend?
My next scalp in my long stream of success at picking winners early. (sorry that's me being as modest as I can)
*BTW what idle millennial spineless ingrate asks that question.....Go fucking research I just gave you the fucking girl and you fucking ask where do I put my dick.
Am I reading your post history wrong in noticing that your first mention of bitsend is March 20, which happens to correlate to a sharp rise and likely means you bought into that high and are looking for the next pump to exit? Again, I may have missed a post earlier than March 20th that validates your claim of picking (a) winner(s)--as a post pre March 19th would validate you managed to time one wave.
I wouldn't make too much of a deal of this account posts, I've been trading since 2012 I bought Darkcoin when it was like a few hundred sats so......but your are right I bought into Bitsend when it was around 7000 sats, not that early but it's still 100ish on coinmarketcap so I would still say it STILL is early. Why would I want to exit Bitsend? I could sell now and have 100% profit, will I? no fucking way.