I rarely start topics, but today I want to share some knowledge about crypto projects in Gibraltar and hear your thoughts on this matter. Gibraltar is among those rare countries that welcome not only crypto exchanges and other established blockchain projects, but also ICOs. They have a very brief law that regulates cryptocurrencies. It's an interesting one, because it does not even mention cryptos, but focuses on 'distributed ledger technology providers'. In essence, each crypto project has to obtain a DLT license to operate legally in the country. While obtaining it is pretty costly (about $15k to get it and $10k+ per year to keep it), it guarantees legal activity which is both good for reputation and saves from random lawsuits, charges and scam accusations. The 10% income tax also has to be payed.
The main benefit is that you are operating legally. It can also simplify things like listing fiat currencies on the exchange. The main downside is that it doesn't come free.
What do you think? Is Gibraltar a good place for a crypto project?
Like others said, I think that the licensing aspect that Gibraltar has is pretty similar to the rest of the world's approach to regulating crypto.
The low income tax which is payable could be an attraction for crypto businesses potentially, especially as BitHodler mentioned how lax they are in terms of the actual regulation around crypto based projects that are operating within their country. But there are probably countries that have even lower taxes for corporates, which obviously businesses will look into as well.
Anyways, even though there is a high entry price, I think that they're trying to encourage crypto businesses from entering instead of restricting access, which is always a good thing. They are getting revenue both from licensing and taxes as well, as oppose to countries which ban bitcoin outright (or attempt to do so).