Cops all suped up on adrenaline thinking they are above all.
Psychopaths, only explanation, they belong in prison or a psychward, 50%-75% of them belong either in prison or a psychward & lobotomized. The noises, of the beating ugh.
If you make laws and procedures that allow them to get away with it, they will.
It's like blaming the crop of lobbyists that inhabit DC' suburbs for today's ills.
The cops are at fault, for sure. But, it's the system that breeds them. We should blame the system that enables this because it allows them to get away with 99% of such incidents.
(If you think treatment outside the jails is horrible, your wives and sisters, if they ever go to jails, will face this: Male cops line up to watch the showers. Every pat-down, religiously administered, is a breast/genital molestation session. If you so much as flinch, you get written up for disobedience, killing any chance of early release, and get the horrible solitary treatment. Welcome to 10 years of this. State after state, same story. )
Again, chalking it up to a few bad apples/psychopats is not the answer. It's the system that allows this, continually and everywhere. The procedures. The off-the-charts power and discretion these officers have, [edit: and more importantly, the lack of accountability, the knowledge that they will get away with it, all sorts of immunity]. The choice of a zillion laws for him to charge you with.)
We allow one human being so much discretion and power over others, and then act shocked that individuals abuse that power.
We create a system in which the Government can mediate in every darn thing, and then act shocked that there's so much lobbying for Govt.'s largesse rather than real competition and innovation.