Anyone selling jewels now should be selling them for much closer to the paypal price. Hopefully thins helps to bring the price up because this coin is way undervalued right now.
Not uderwaluateted at all let them fill my buys thirst then you can tell the truth.
We have few days till we will be placed at coinmarketcap so buy cheap till you can at discount.
we are somewhere here:
168 TagCoin TagCoin $221,100 $0.044939 4,920,025 TAG $23 0.08% sparkline
169 EuropeCoin EuropeCoin $219,785 $0.022785 9,646,029 ERC * $36 0.07% sparkline
170 BTSR BTSR $217,040 $0.095555 2,271,371 BTSR * $680 ? sparkline
171 Jumbucks Jumbucks $216,489 $0.059892 3,614,629 JBS $657 2.15% sparkline
172 Bitstar Bitstar $206,748 $0.010985 18,820,916 BITS $1,246 -3.13% sparkline
173 Energycoin Energycoin $205,718 $0.001711 120,242,276 ENRG $657 6.88% sparkline
... so take some conclusion ^^