Anyone paying close attention will notice some time over the next day, that if they reconnect, they will move from pointing to LasVegas, to pointing to LosAngeles.
It's a new front end server for the pool and will simplify the next change.
That being: the back end pool will be moving in the next 2 days.
When I move the back end there is likely to be a mining outage of up to 5 minutes.
I'll post more about the changes before they happen.
If you mine to nodes, you'll see no changes.
If you mine to the main pool in LasVegas, you'll see a change to LosAngeles.
The difference is about 8ms between the 2, so nothing major (or slightly better depending on where you are)
Edit: and in case anyone was wondering - it's an upgrade, not a down grade, a better back end server and 2 more servers in front of it
Kano, how long are you leaving the old server in Vegas up for? I have a bunch of things that are hard coded to point to only to the IP address of the old server and need to change everything to the IP address of the new server before that old Vegas server is taken down. I like to lock everything down as much as possible.
Kano, while I appreciate that you think using an IP isn't the way to do it (in general DNS is a much easier way to propagate any IP address changes), please realize it is what works best for my setup. If, for nothing else the firewalls I use restrict by IP address only, and I assume you agree that people should use firewalls. So, let me ask again, Kano, how long are you leaving the old server in Vegas up for?
They can't both run.
So basically you are saying you cannot access any sort of DNS where your miners are?
I guess point it at the IP of the new passthru.
If that ever changes, then you'll have to change it again.
Thank you for the info, I will get on changing things over to the new IP address in the next 24 hours.
The problem with using DNS is the firewalls I use only allow rules using an IP address. So in a way, yes, I can not use DNS where the miners are as the firewalls do not use DNS (only IP addresses). 100% understood that if you change to point to a new IP address then I will need to update it again.
Thanks again for the info!