Well, I'm up...sorta kinda...and kind words for Alan and Akim. I find I really don't need remote access in this instance. I'm not going to be changing pool assignments or clock speeds, etc. They've brought up maintenance scripts that will automatically power cycle a machine that drops out...which is something I can't do from the Luci anyway (that was the issue with this machine...the connection got dropped back when we had that minor network problem, and the B8 S7 tends to lock up in such cases, and has to be power cycled). I get all the info I need on a machine's hash rate from the pool page, and if there's something going on as yesterday with the DDoS thing, I can get it from Zack's API-fed monitor.
I think that's a pretty good testament, actually, for the pool. I knew about this weakness in Doc Jr (the S7), but it had not happened at all since the machine got there...so that means almost three months of running without getting dropped by the pool. Nice.
Remote hosting is rather like sending your kids off to college, methinks...

EDIT: Hold kind thoughts. Madeleine will be here soon; Big Island is getting slammed already, but not too badly. I may be silent for a day or two. We will likely experience power losses and low-area flooding, but we don't expect too much wind damage as we're on the outside of the cone here...and whatever didn't blow away during Iniki probably won't blow away this time (the eye of Iniki passed directly over my village). I'm part of the ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Services) team here, and provide both linked VHF and HF-DX (intercontinental) voice and digital document comms from my truck, and provide backup comms to the fire station crew in my village.
BLATANT ADVERTISEMENT: If you're a licensed amateur operator, or would like to become one...it's a hoot and very valuable to the community at times. It's a natural for a miner. You don't have to know Morse Code anymore to get a license. PM me if you want.