It was a superior run. Very nice indeed.
My internet went out last night for a short bit. I'm not sure how much it affected my shares around the times the blocks started popping, but I''d dedicated a certain amount of hash here when I came and for the most part only added to it.
All luck aside, since it is int he past, it is still fun to watch blocks pop. You guys have created a great balance which still provides some adrenaline rush. Thanks Kano and CK.
Thanks to all the miners here.
and bringing in the big hash, thank you all for adding just as big a reason worth mining here as well. This is a hobby for me although I would love to do it full time. I bet you guys like most would not advise it?
This would be one of those jobs I would work until I dropped, sleep 4, and do it again. I do that for fun all the time, and most of the personal projects like that in my life were never about bringing in even a little bit of money, it was always an outpouring haha. Gotta laugh, not that Bitcoin has been much different to get started but I do have a few coins to show for it. I have not had to spend them, and I prefer not to and use Fiat converted to BTC at the time I need to purchase something. Otherwise I don't get around to replacing it later. I do not know how long I can go that way, but I am going to try.
I considered getting decent 2% loans using CDs as collateral. Then use that money for cash flow to increase my mining power sooner than simply putting a few bucks back each month which would be spent on some other electrical device or computer component. I would be making or losing the same money in the long run, but if I decided to purchase a minifarm or more tomorrow I could use the bank's money and leave my BTC alone. Granted 2% (It was 1.8764% or something like it) is a large amount of money for the large miners, but a small guy like me it isn't. BTW, I'm not "borrowing money I can't afford to lose" here, I'm talking about using money I already set aside to plan to lose haha. Obviously I am at the right pool to have fun doing some block counting
I understand every little variable has an impact, but sometimes it does make sense, or I haven't found the bigger negative. So I tend to ask many people for advice.
All ideas and opinions are appreciated and I do give back. If somehow I take a comment and am able to make my life easier I definitely pay that forward, forward to your BTC address.
Thanks again for the great pool and all of the explanations.