We need more blocks and more luck
It seems that BTC per THs is reduced from 0.00035732 on April 26 to 0.00021599 today. But the number of blocks is 2 on average. I am not sure whether it's entirely due to difficulty or not.
I was once like you are. LOL
(I can't remember what song that lyric sorta goes with.... Oh yeah!! Neil Young "Old Man")
Anyway, I've found the best way to deal with the symptoms you are experiencing is to:
1) Kick back
2) Relax
3) Don't worry about it
4) Let the blocks come to you
5) Do
NOT chase (or feed) the blocks!
6) Breathe slowly and deeply, in and out
7) The blocks will come
Your blood pressure will decrease
9) Your balance will accumulate
10) Bitcoin price will rise
11) The blocks
WILL come to you
12) Your balance will accumulate
"Old man look at my life,
I'm a lot like you were.
Old man look at my life,
I'm a lot like you were."
~Neil Young: "Old Man"
Well said Comrrrade wmabern! This one of grrreatest westerrrn songs of all time
I am so prrroud of post from otherrr topic, I will post again for DarkStar_
KanoPool 100%!!! This no brrrainerrr!!!
Why? OK, I give you 10 rrreasons.
1. Fully trrransparrrent pool;
2. Best and most accurrrate statistics in worrrld;
3. Lowest pool fees;
4. KanoPool pays minerrrs trrransaction fees - currrently extrrra 17%
5. Zerrro fees on rewarrrd payouts;
6. Highest expected minerrr rrreward/rrreturn;
7. Best Bitcoin connected pool (rrreduce orphans);
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