1) What block number? Last one found by pool (that is shown) last one found by network? or the current on being worked on? I assume current one because you mentioned difficulty, but I'm curious as to what the value of know the current block number is? I understand showing the difficulty. I will add them soon, I'm working on some very big changes, probably within the next few weeks.
2) I'm not sure about this one. Kano's answer when it was asked of him:;topicseen#msg13211604The 5Nd is referring to what shares are paid for with each block find. There is no "ramping up" or "reduced payout" or whatever other terminology people are using. Your payout is based on the shares you submit. The amount of shares paid by the pool are 5 times the network difficulty (5Nd).
The reason it is mentioned so much is because new people jump on the pool and wait for their first payment. We hit a block and they see their payment and think wow that sucks I got way less than I did at pool X, I'm leaving. What they don't realize is that they will most likely keep getting paid for those shares on the next several blocks. Add all those payments up and most likely they got paid better than PPS for the time they spent on the pool. The "ramping up" that everyone talks about is the smaller payouts getting bigger until you have been mining on the pool for long enough that your 5Nd average has reached your hashrate. Keep in mind that if you stop mining with the pool you will keep getting paid until all of your shares are outside the 5Nd window.
For anyone looking for more on the topic here is my previous examples of the 5Nd: thing that everyone should do is tell new people to watch their shift page on and when there is no 0 in the Hs column above the red line then the next block we hit should be full payout.
With all of that being said, I will look into somehow showing something related to the 5Nd.
1) I'll look into that, it does show as TH/s on mine. It should be dynamic, but maybe I have a decimal place issue.