Crackfoo anyone want to mine this shit?
MobileCash (lyra2v2)(auxPoW) 0.025193 MBL 0.123% 0.00000000 28m ago Immature (72/120)
MobileCash (lyra2v2)(auxPoW) 0.026448 MBL 0.130% 0.00000000 30m ago Immature (75/120)
MobileCash (lyra2v2)(auxPoW) 0.028066 MBL 0.138% 0.00000000 31m ago Immature (76/120)
MobileCash (lyra2v2)(auxPoW) 0.028066 MBL 0.138% 0.00000000 32m ago Immature (78/120)
MobileCash (lyra2v2)(auxPoW) 0.031434 MBL 0.154% 0.00000000 32m ago
Please do yourself and us the favor and look up what AuxPOW is for coins, and how pools use it in switching code... Not earning these coins is "wasting hash" compared to earning them with a hash result that would not work on a big coin.
Also read this whole thread; there are excellent descriptions and analogies tht explain why its good to get these credits that you think are worthless.
but in some times, my rig starts at speed 90 mh\s for algo x17, another time it takes 5 min to reach that speed.
I think that stratum server can be configured and i am asking maybe there is some command line parametrs to lower that time such as intensity or difficulty?
The server can't be configured differently because of the way it calculates share % based on submitted shares. It must delta up the hashrate (poolside) to be sure people arent whipping in with erroneous miner behavior to try and trick the calculations into giving you hashrate that wasn't submitted.