I'm gonna only say this once: you are ignoring what people are telling you because you are too lazy to do something as simple as read.
1) Look at how the YIIMP pool code works.
2) Your question has been asked hundreds of times, and answered hundreds of times, as well as is in the FAQ on the main zpool.ca page. READ AND UNDERSTAND PLEASE.
3) This is not a solo mining pool. You point your miner at a port that mines several coins on one algorithm. If you select a payout in a certain coin type; 100% of the time, you are typically mining other coins and not the coin you wish to be paid out in. On top of that everyone else's shares from those earnings needs to be sold on the exchange. If you were to do what #1 and #2 above said; you would know this and not need to be reading this pointless statement #3.
Good day sir. Please take your head out of those blinders, and go read. Understand what you are talking about before opening your mouth again..... cause you are seriously becoming a parrot.
to whom you adressed? about parrot please comment.....