I have problems with the accrual on the wallet
https://zpool.ca/?address=1DVcuUsd1AUMY5FjpQbTgVpexwNtcwWAFFWorker works almost steadily and 24 hours a day, and the accrual is only as much as 2 hours.
Payments went stably every 10-12 days, but after the last payment on February 24 the vorker works, and the hanging dropped 10 times!
I checked on the calculator and I have 0.000154 BTC per day, but in reality it is 10 times less.
Total Earned 0.00928700 BTC
Total Earned 0.00929188 BTC 26.03.18 01:05
Total Earned 0.00930490 BTC 27.03 00:16
Total Earned 0.00931661 BTC 28.03 00:17
Total Earned 0.00932693 BTC 29.03 00:30
I ask you to understand this problem and if you can not solve the problem, send me a work-in-progress to the purse and I'll leave the mine in another place.
(sorry for googletranslate)