
Topic: ▂▃▅▆▇⫷[ 🆉🅿🅾🅾🅻.🅲🅰 ]⫸⫷[!KAWPOW!]⫸⫷[ the miners multipool ]⫸ ▇▆▅▃▂ - page 75. (Read 279812 times)

Activity: 6
Merit: 0

what's going on with Nist5 algo? My combined ccminer hashrate is around 260MH/s, the pool have registered only less than 90MH/s for last 4 hours or so. Is there an internet issues so that not all shares are received?

I'll hit the bed now and report back in 6 hours or so.
Activity: 45
Merit: 0
WOW!!!   Shocked Shocked Shocked

Who do I thank?  Crackfoo?  Others?

Thank you for fixing the Lyra2r2 pool.   I don't even recognize it today...  hashrates are through the roof, we just got 3 mona in less than 10 minutes...  That used to take hours...  Seriously, the Lyra2r2 pool was recently having a race to the bottom for dubious honor of solo mining performance status!   Grin Grin  Seriously, when you spend 50K on mining equipment, it really pisses you off to not even be in the ball park of the hash calcs for your daily performance.  Then we end up blaming the pool, and assume they are somehow stealing our hard earned coin.

I noticed that MobileCoin crap isn't in there today.  Honestly, I had to leave that pool yesterday...  I literally was saying to myself... and I'm going to share my thoughts here with you so you know what your customers are thinking and you won't have to guess:  

"WHY ARE WE WASTING OUR HASHING POWER ON A WORTHLESS COIN THAT PAYS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!  Doesn't that just introduce inefficiency into the system?  Would we be better off without the pat on the ass every 60 seconds or so?  I really don't need the psychological reinforcement that I am mining something that pays nothing... I'd rather have my daily payout at least come close to the calc numbers... I need my money back with profit!!  [insert your own explative]!!"  

So I abandoned the pool.

... then you went and hauled off and seem to have fixed the damn thing! The big 3 are coming in nicely.  What did you do?  Can you share?  From admin to admin, I'd really like to know what had things so fubarred?  I know I am blaming MobileCoin, when there may not even be a causal relationship... whatever the RC,  I like the changes you've made.

I do wonder, if keeping Unitus is worth it though...  do we make more with it, or are we just taking hash power away from the big 3 that folks really care about: vert, verge, mona?  (feel free to educate me on this point, as I am sure I don't understand enough about how this works)

Seriously, thank you for fixing the Lyra2r2 pool!!  You guys are my heroes!

just me running this pool. Smiley

Can't say I done anything specific other than have a new server ^_^ but the hashrate has grown significantly which in turn almost always makes it more profitable. The same could be said for scrypt and x11 if only more miners would come on board. Just how it works. I think the pool/algos with a good amount of hashrate will almost always be good profitability. Just need to hashes. x11 and scrypt are floatind around at minimal hash so their profitability varys a lot.

Well if you look at the value in the pool, it's not much, but its that much more to your BTC/MH/Day.

And please, take a good read on the bitcoin wiki about auxpow. It's not a waste but when one of the aux coins are a lot lower in diff, it makes it look like you're getting nothing but you are.

Except for mobilecash since its only on Ccex and well... they're on holiday so I've disabled them

Hey Crackfoo!  Nice to meet you!

Thank you for this explanation.  One of my partners in crime has his new antminers on order, so I'm sure he'll be joining your scrypt pool as soon as he gets his hardware.  (That means you PIDG!!)  He'll get a crack out of seeing his name on here if he ever reads this.  Smiley

I've been watching the number of workers the past 4-5 days go between 800-2300+, but can't recall seeing much increase in hashrate.... now I see our hashrate has gone up a lot (as you pointed out).  But our overall number of workers is hanging steady around 1300 or so.  As the # of workers fluctuated, so too did my Shares %, which I believe was being artificially depressed, and helps determine what our yield will be on a block to block basis.  Plus we weren't seeing the blocks come in like we are now.  I'm glad to see this stabilize.  Not sure if that was a NH problem or an issue with the old server?  Why the huge swings in workers?  I can only speculate that perhaps its related to connection timeout issues that weren't being released on the backend, maybe folks were being double counted?  Whatever the RC,  I sure do like the performance we have now.  Please keep it up and buy more servers, if that's what's needed.  Wink

It's still early to throw a party, but my recent numbers say we are back on track for making the right amount of vert/verge/mona for the day.  So thanks again for turning off MBL and anything else you did to fix this.  Hey, I'm good with FM as a solution.  Keep sprinkling that Pixie Dust.  Things seem to be working good now!

Much Appreciated,

Activity: 1848
Merit: 1166
My AR-15 ID's itself as a toaster. Want breakfast?
Many thanks for clarification.

Tell me please, one more question.
I launched "JK's Automatic Miner Batch file V 1.08"
But for some reason I had the active two processes: :keccak and :qubit
:keccak works at full capacity, and :qubit defined video cards and tries to involve them but cannot involve them.
Tell me please, why process :qubit was not closed?
I modified below to disable qubit and other algos....

Due to asics, I am sure its not profitable for GPU mining anyways.

re-input your miner app names if necessary, and account/miner details etc.

This is one problem that pops up from time to time;  it happens when more algos are used as well as when the password string gets long.
It could also be the miner app you are using having issues of different types.

If this isn't working for you, I suggest the manual or lite version of the batch.

@echo off
SETLOCAL EnableExtensions
SET ADDY=1PHSDYvVp6HpqtuUPocK41DrdeHbbezaeP
SET ID=i7-920
REM NOTE:  ADDY is where you put in your wallet address.  DEV is for device numbers to mine on.  If you have
REM        two video cards, then you will set it as 'SET DEV=-d 0,1' .  If you wish to only use your second
REM        and third video cards, you would use:   'SET DEV=-d 1,2' ... and so on.  ID is just a string to
REM        identify your miner's connection on the wallet page via the password field preview displayed.
REM        leave DEV blank to select all cuda devices. PAYOUTCOIN is the coin you are getting paid in.
SET A=ccminer180.exe
SET B=ccminerx11e.exe
SET C=ccminerlyra2.exe
SET D=ccminerlbry1.exe
SET E=ccminerlbry.exe
SET F=ccminer.exe
REM NOTE:  A,B,C,D,E&F are all the ccminer file-names.  You should be able to use path:\to\ccminer.exe if you
REM        so desire.  I highly suggest putting a copy of each ccminer version you are using, in one folder
REM        with this naming structure to keep it simple. 'C:\\ccminer.exe' etc...
SET A01=x13
SET A02=x11
SET A03=qubit
SET A04=x15
SET A05=lyra2v2
SET A06=neoscrypt
SET A07=decred
SET A08=blakecoin
SET A09=c11
SET A10=quark
SET A11=groestl
SET A12=blake2s
SET A13=x14
SET A14=x17
SET A15=nist5
SET A16=skein
SET A17=sib
SET A18=x11evo
SET A19=lbry
SET A20=keccak
SET A21=myr-gr
REM NOTE: Above are all the algos listed with a shorter pointer name.  You can use this reference to disable
REM       an algo in the lines below beginning with 'start "%DEV%:%...' by using the REM command before them
REM       just like you see used to comment this text you are reading.  Be sure to add/remove
REM       the corresponding algo's normalization in the 'SET PASS=%ID...' line.  The currently disabled ones
REM       can be found at the bottom of this batch file outside the main loop.
SET PASS=%ID%,c=%PAYOUTCOIN%,x17=7.7,nist5=41.9,x11evo=11.8,sib=1.7,x13=10.3,x14=9.6,blakecoin=4.1,blake2s=1.7,neoscrypt=0.9,skein=400.0,lbry=270.0,c11=12.74,groestl=37.1,stats
ECHO Starting miner processes....
START "%DEV%:%A01%" /min %A% %DEV% -r 0 -a %A01% -o stratum+tcp://%A01%.%POOL%:3633 -u %ADDY% -p %PASS%
REM START "%DEV%:%A02%" /min %A% %DEV% -r 0 -a %A02% -o stratum+tcp://%A02%.%POOL%:3533 -u %ADDY% -p %PASS%
REM START "%DEV%:%A03%" /min %A% %DEV% -r 0 -a %A03% -o stratum+tcp://%A03%.%POOL%:4733 -u %ADDY% -p %PASS%
REM START "%DEV%:%A04%" /min %A% %DEV% -r 0 -a %A04% -o stratum+tcp://%A04%.%POOL%:3733 -u %ADDY% -p %PASS%
REM START "%DEV%:%A05%" /min %C% %DEV% -r 0 -a %A05% -o stratum+tcp://%A05%.%POOL%:4533 -u %ADDY% -p %PASS%
START "%DEV%:%A06%" /min %D% %DEV% -r 0 -a %A06% -o stratum+tcp://%A06%.%POOL%:4233 -u %ADDY% -p %PASS%
REM START "%DEV%:%A07%" /min %A% %DEV% -r 0 -a %A07% -o stratum+tcp://%A07%.%POOL%:5744 -u %ADDY% -p %PASS%
START "%DEV%:%A08%" /min %A% %DEV% -r 0 -a %A08% -o stratum+tcp://%A08%.%POOL%:5743 -u %ADDY% -p %PASS%
START "%DEV%:%A09%" /min %A% %DEV% -r 0 -a %A09% -o stratum+tcp://%A09%.%POOL%:3573 -u %ADDY% -p %PASS%
REM START "%DEV%:%A10%" /min %A% %DEV% -r 0 -a %A10% -o stratum+tcp://%A10%.%POOL%:4033 -u %ADDY% -p %PASS%
START "%DEV%:%A11%" /min %A% %DEV% -r 0 -a %A11% -o stratum+tcp://%A11%.%POOL%:5333 -u %ADDY% -p %PASS%
START "%DEV%:%A12%" /min %A% %DEV% -r 0 -a %A12% -o stratum+tcp://%A12%.%POOL%:5766 -u %ADDY% -p %PASS%
START "%DEV%:%A13%" /min %A% %DEV% -r 0 -a %A13% -o stratum+tcp://%A13%.%POOL%:3933 -u %ADDY% -p %PASS%
START "%DEV%:%A14%" /min %A% %DEV% -r 0 -a %A14% -o stratum+tcp://%A14%.%POOL%:3737 -u %ADDY% -p %PASS%
START "%DEV%:%A15%" /min %A% %DEV% -r 0 -a %A15% -o stratum+tcp://%A15%.%POOL%:3833 -u %ADDY% -p %PASS%
START "%DEV%:%A16%" /min %F% %DEV% -r 0 -a %A16% -o stratum+tcp://%A16%.%POOL%:4933 -u %ADDY% -p %PASS%
START "%DEV%:%A17%" /min %A% %DEV% -r 0 -a %A17% -o stratum+tcp://%A17%.%POOL%:5033 -u %ADDY% -p %PASS%
START "%DEV%:%A18%" /min %B% %DEV% -r 0 -a %A18% -o stratum+tcp://%A18%.%POOL%:3553 -u %ADDY% -p %PASS%
START "%DEV%:%A19%" /min %E% %DEV% -r 0 -a %A19% -o stratum+tcp://%A19%.%POOL%:3334 -u %ADDY% -p %PASS%
REM START "%DEV%:%A20%" /min %E% %DEV% -r 0 -a %A20% -o stratum+tcp://%A20%.%POOL%:5133 -u %ADDY% -p %PASS%
REM START "%DEV%:%A21%" /min %F% %DEV% -r 0 -a %A21% -o stratum+tcp://%A21%.%POOL%:5433 -u %ADDY% -p %PASS%
ECHO Miner processes started.  Waiting for connections to resolve.
CHOICE /c · /n /t 20 /d ·
REM NOTE: If your machine needs more time to wait for the instances of ccminer to close, modify the above line's value
REM       of '20' to the number of seconds you wish it to wait.
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %A%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%A01%"') DO IF %%x == %A% SET CURRENT=%A01%
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %A%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%A02%"') DO IF %%x == %A% SET CURRENT=%A02%
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %A%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%A03%"') DO IF %%x == %A% SET CURRENT=%A03%
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %A%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%A04%"') DO IF %%x == %A% SET CURRENT=%A04%
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %C%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%A05%"') DO IF %%x == %C% SET CURRENT=%A05%
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %D%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%A06%"') DO IF %%x == %D% SET CURRENT=%A06%
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %A%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%A07%"') DO IF %%x == %A% SET CURRENT=%A07%
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %A%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%A08%"') DO IF %%x == %A% SET CURRENT=%A08%
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %A%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%A09%"') DO IF %%x == %A% SET CURRENT=%A09%
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %A%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%A10%"') DO IF %%x == %A% SET CURRENT=%A10%
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %A%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%A11%"') DO IF %%x == %A% SET CURRENT=%A11%
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %A%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%A12%"') DO IF %%x == %A% SET CURRENT=%A12%
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %A%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%A13%"') DO IF %%x == %A% SET CURRENT=%A13%
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %A%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%A14%"') DO IF %%x == %A% SET CURRENT=%A14%
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %A%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%A15%"') DO IF %%x == %A% SET CURRENT=%A15%
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %F%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%A16%"') DO IF %%x == %F% SET CURRENT=%A16%
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %A%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%A17%"') DO IF %%x == %A% SET CURRENT=%A17%
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %B%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%A18%"') DO IF %%x == %B% SET CURRENT=%A18%
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %E%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%A19%"') DO IF %%x == %E% SET CURRENT=%A19%
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %E%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%A20%"') DO IF %%x == %E% SET CURRENT=%A20%
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %F%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%A21%"') DO IF %%x == %F% SET CURRENT=%A21%
REM Algo detection for display purposes only.
ECHO Currently mining: %CURRENT% on device(s): %DEV%
ECHO Total number of algo switches:  %COUNTER%
ECHO Previously mining: %LAST%
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %A%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%CURRENT%"') DO IF %%x == %A% ECHO Waiting for %A% to close...
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %B%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%CURRENT%"') DO IF %%x == %B% ECHO Waiting for %B% to close...
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %C%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%CURRENT%"') DO IF %%x == %C% ECHO Waiting for %C% to close...
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %D%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%CURRENT%"') DO IF %%x == %D% ECHO Waiting for %D% to close...
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %E%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%CURRENT%"') DO IF %%x == %E% ECHO Waiting for %E% to close...
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %F%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%CURRENT%"') DO IF %%x == %F% ECHO Waiting for %F% to close...
REM Above checks processes for all instance-names of ccminer, and displays which one is running.
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %A%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%CURRENT%"') DO IF %%x == %A% goto END1
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %B%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%CURRENT%"') DO IF %%x == %B% goto END1
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %C%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%CURRENT%"') DO IF %%x == %C% goto END1
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %D%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%CURRENT%"') DO IF %%x == %D% goto END1
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %E%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%CURRENT%"') DO IF %%x == %E% goto END1
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %F%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %DEV%:%CURRENT%"') DO IF %%x == %F% goto END1
REM Checking processes for ccminer, if any version found, start looking again until none is found to continue

JK's nVidia zPool Miner Batch V1.08.001
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
Many thanks for clarification.

Tell me please, one more question.
I launched "JK's Automatic Miner Batch file V 1.08"
But for some reason I had the active two processes: :keccak and :qubit
:keccak works at full capacity, and :qubit defined video cards and tries to involve them but cannot involve them.
Tell me please, why process :qubit was not closed?
Activity: 45
Merit: 0
I am maining on algo=equihash
among equihash of coins there is Zclassic the most profitny
But for some reason zpool maining only Hush and Komodo (if to look according to the table "Last 50 Blocks (equihash)")
tell me please, why zpool not maining Zclassic?

because there's lots of math involved in calculating what is more profitable to mine at any one given time.

research the luck factor.   Next try and wrap your head around how it chooses the next coin based on network diff and pool hashrate....  It's a tough subject to understand.

FYI: If you feel you should only be mining one coin;  you should be on a solo pool; not here.

Romario - Having mined Z classic myself, I can tell you that even the honest pools do not deliver anywhere near what the calcs say you should receive.  To me, those theoretical yields from places like,, which are normally pretty good, those figures are way higher than what Z cash classic actually yields.  You get about half or less of what you are supposed to get, despite a low 1% pool fee.  Two thoughts, one, thank you to ZPool for not wasting anyone's time with that crypto.  Two, I think this luck factor Jared is referring too, explains this discrepancy I've been seeing first hand, which I do not see with any other coin.  Even a good friend of mine hosted his own Z classic pool, and no one was getting the numbers they were supposed to be getting.  The huge discrepancy couldn't be explained by the PPNLS system either.  Personally, I believe there is a built in problem with the algo.  Perhaps this "luck" factor IS the very problem?

Anyway, I'm no math/crypto expert, just a victim of that discrepancy at even the first grade math level. I hate to see anyone else fall victim to it and the "unofficial" announcement of a fork, that might or might not happen, depending upon whether the pump and dump is successful...  And yes... I was mining it at $4 last month... 10 days later... it was at $10 bucks.... next morning with a mouth full of lucky charms, I watched it go to $80.... and I sold that evening at $119.  Point is, buy your ZCL and ride the wave... but don't mine it... you'll get 40-50% of what you should.

Thought I'd add my 2 cents worth.  Don't waste your time with ZCL... or at least cut your estimates in half so you are in the real ballpark of what your yield will really be.  That's been my experience.

Activity: 3570
Merit: 1126
WOW!!!   Shocked Shocked Shocked

Who do I thank?  Crackfoo?  Others?

Thank you for fixing the Lyra2r2 pool.   I don't even recognize it today...  hashrates are through the roof, we just got 3 mona in less than 10 minutes...  That used to take hours...  Seriously, the Lyra2r2 pool was recently having a race to the bottom for dubious honor of solo mining performance status!   Grin Grin  Seriously, when you spend 50K on mining equipment, it really pisses you off to not even be in the ball park of the hash calcs for your daily performance.  Then we end up blaming the pool, and assume they are somehow stealing our hard earned coin.

I noticed that MobileCoin crap isn't in there today.  Honestly, I had to leave that pool yesterday...  I literally was saying to myself... and I'm going to share my thoughts here with you so you know what your customers are thinking and you won't have to guess:  

"WHY ARE WE WASTING OUR HASHING POWER ON A WORTHLESS COIN THAT PAYS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!  Doesn't that just introduce inefficiency into the system?  Would we be better off without the pat on the ass every 60 seconds or so?  I really don't need the psychological reinforcement that I am mining something that pays nothing... I'd rather have my daily payout at least come close to the calc numbers... I need my money back with profit!!  [insert your own explative]!!"  

So I abandoned the pool.

... then you went and hauled off and seem to have fixed the damn thing! The big 3 are coming in nicely.  What did you do?  Can you share?  From admin to admin, I'd really like to know what had things so fubarred?  I know I am blaming MobileCoin, when there may not even be a causal relationship... whatever the RC,  I like the changes you've made.

I do wonder, if keeping Unitus is worth it though...  do we make more with it, or are we just taking hash power away from the big 3 that folks really care about: vert, verge, mona?  (feel free to educate me on this point, as I am sure I don't understand enough about how this works)

Seriously, thank you for fixing the Lyra2r2 pool!!  You guys are my heroes!

just me running this pool. Smiley

Can't say I done anything specific other than have a new server ^_^ but the hashrate has grown significantly which in turn almost always makes it more profitable. The same could be said for scrypt and x11 if only more miners would come on board. Just how it works. I think the pool/algos with a good amount of hashrate will almost always be good profitability. Just need to hashes. x11 and scrypt are floatind around at minimal hash so their profitability varys a lot.

Well if you look at the value in the pool, it's not much, but its that much more to your BTC/MH/Day.

And please, take a good read on the bitcoin wiki about auxpow. It's not a waste but when one of the aux coins are a lot lower in diff, it makes it look like you're getting nothing but you are.

Except for mobilecash since its only on Ccex and well... they're on holiday so I've disabled them
Activity: 1848
Merit: 1166
My AR-15 ID's itself as a toaster. Want breakfast?
I am maining on algo=equihash
among equihash of coins there is Zclassic the most profitny
But for some reason zpool maining only Hush and Komodo (if to look according to the table "Last 50 Blocks (equihash)")
tell me please, why zpool not maining Zclassic?

because there's lots of math involved in calculating what is more profitable to mine at any one given time.

research the luck factor.   Next try and wrap your head around how it chooses the next coin based on network diff and pool hashrate....  It's a tough subject to understand.

FYI: If you feel you should only be mining one coin;  you should be on a solo pool; not here.
Many thanks for an explanation!
And many thanks for you BATCH FILE  V1.08!

No problem.

There are a few algos missing from it right now;  mainly xevan, and polytimos...

If I havent been busy working in the mountains, ive been sick at home.

Hopefully Ill be able to update it shortly to be current with what the pool is running now.  I only got halfway through my new batch file;  I need to start over again.   I am trying to combine the different batch types into one whole batch;  just edit a few options up top and it will do what you want... lite, profitswitching, or manual control.   Also adding the remote batch update feature for the manual control.  This way you can remotely command the batch to download and relaunch a new version of itself;  as well as any miner apps you wish to upload to that miner.
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
I am maining on algo=equihash
among equihash of coins there is Zclassic the most profitny
But for some reason zpool maining only Hush and Komodo (if to look according to the table "Last 50 Blocks (equihash)")
tell me please, why zpool not maining Zclassic?

because there's lots of math involved in calculating what is more profitable to mine at any one given time.

research the luck factor.   Next try and wrap your head around how it chooses the next coin based on network diff and pool hashrate....  It's a tough subject to understand.

FYI: If you feel you should only be mining one coin;  you should be on a solo pool; not here.
Many thanks for an explanation!
And many thanks for you BATCH FILE  V1.08!
Activity: 1848
Merit: 1166
My AR-15 ID's itself as a toaster. Want breakfast?
I am maining on algo=equihash
among equihash of coins there is Zclassic the most profitny
But for some reason zpool maining only Hush and Komodo (if to look according to the table "Last 50 Blocks (equihash)")
tell me please, why zpool not maining Zclassic?

because there's lots of math involved in calculating what is more profitable to mine at any one given time.

research the luck factor.   Next try and wrap your head around how it chooses the next coin based on network diff and pool hashrate....  It's a tough subject to understand.

FYI: If you feel you should only be mining one coin;  you should be on a solo pool; not here.
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
I am maining on algo=equihash
among equihash of coins there is Zclassic the most profitny
But for some reason zpool maining only Hush and Komodo (if to look according to the table "Last 50 Blocks (equihash)")
tell me please, why zpool not maining Zclassic?
Activity: 45
Merit: 0
WOW!!!   Shocked Shocked Shocked

Who do I thank?  Crackfoo?  Others?

Thank you for fixing the Lyra2r2 pool.   I don't even recognize it today...  hashrates are through the roof, we just got 3 mona in less than 10 minutes...  That used to take hours...  Seriously, the Lyra2r2 pool was recently having a race to the bottom for dubious honor of solo mining performance status!   Grin Grin  Seriously, when you spend 50K on mining equipment, it really pisses you off to not even be in the ball park of the hash calcs for your daily performance.  Then we end up blaming the pool, and assume they are somehow stealing our hard earned coin.

I noticed that MobileCoin crap isn't in there today.  Honestly, I had to leave that pool yesterday...  I literally was saying to myself... and I'm going to share my thoughts here with you so you know what your customers are thinking and you won't have to guess:  

"WHY ARE WE WASTING OUR HASHING POWER ON A WORTHLESS COIN THAT PAYS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!  Doesn't that just introduce inefficiency into the system?  Would we be better off without the pat on the ass every 60 seconds or so?  I really don't need the psychological reinforcement that I am mining something that pays nothing... I'd rather have my daily payout at least come close to the calc numbers... I need my money back with profit!!  [insert your own explative]!!"  

So I abandoned the pool.

... then you went and hauled off and seem to have fixed the damn thing! The big 3 are coming in nicely.  What did you do?  Can you share?  From admin to admin, I'd really like to know what had things so fubarred?  I know I am blaming MobileCoin, when there may not even be a causal relationship... whatever the RC,  I like the changes you've made.

I do wonder, if keeping Unitus is worth it though...  do we make more with it, or are we just taking hash power away from the big 3 that folks really care about: vert, verge, mona?  (feel free to educate me on this point, as I am sure I don't understand enough about how this works)

Seriously, thank you for fixing the Lyra2r2 pool!!  You guys are my heroes!
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
Got a question for documenting earnings, I currently use this website will grab a screen shot of my wallet on zpool at designated times I was wondering if anyone else had a better option?
hero member
Activity: 677
Merit: 500
Are the smaller 0.0025 BTC payments still every Sunday night?  The site now says "several evenings each week" but does not say which day each week.

Asking because wondering if Sunday night's scheduled small payments was missed due to the maintenance or due to change in payout policy.

I have 0.003 BTC throughout early Saturday and all day Sunday and was expecting the payout yesterday night, but my balance is still at around 0.003 BTC this morning.


this payout will be going out shortly.

Confirmed.  Thanks.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
something is not ok with this zpool.
Today at 2:30 PM I had total earnings 0,01028854 btc
and now at 10:55 PM I have total earnings 0,01027070 btc
with one antminer L3+ running on their scrypt pool all this time
I made minus - 0,00001784 btc WTF??? how this is possible???
And I also observed that always the 24 Hours actual value is significantly lower then their Current Estimate or 24 H estimated .....
jr. member
Activity: 38
Merit: 1
Can I mine to a segwit address?


please advise.

Someone recently stated that their bc1 wallet address didn't work. Though if you have a Segwit address which begins with a "3," that should work.
jr. member
Activity: 38
Merit: 1
Chromium Linux 63.0.3239.108 (Developer Build) (64-bit) here, everything is looking fine, sawtooth and all Cheesy
Yup, thanks.
Looks like a problem in my browser. I recently installed and deleted Jaxx chromium plugin, I suspect that's it...

If that doesn't resolve the problem, you could also try disabling the "hardware acceleration" feature in Chromium (assuming it has one similar to Chrome). Though living without that feature may not be worth it to you if you watch YouTube/Twitch/etc.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
this payout will be going out shortly.
Thank you. I got my payment. I'll be back to the pool  Cheesy
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
Can I mine to a segwit address?


please advise.
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
Are the smaller 0.0025 BTC payments still every Sunday night?  The site now says "several evenings each week" but does not say which day each week.

Asking because wondering if Sunday night's scheduled small payments was missed due to the maintenance or due to change in payout policy.

I have 0.003 BTC throughout early Saturday and all day Sunday and was expecting the payout yesterday night, but my balance is still at around 0.003 BTC this morning.


this payout will be going out shortly.

Hey is there still an issue w/ the graph? Looked ok for a few hours overnight but it's looking like pitfalls again?
Activity: 3570
Merit: 1126
Are the smaller 0.0025 BTC payments still every Sunday night?  The site now says "several evenings each week" but does not say which day each week.

Asking because wondering if Sunday night's scheduled small payments was missed due to the maintenance or due to change in payout policy.

I have 0.003 BTC throughout early Saturday and all day Sunday and was expecting the payout yesterday night, but my balance is still at around 0.003 BTC this morning.


this payout will be going out shortly.

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