How to find out if you have been keylogged?
First of all, disconnect all Internet using programs, Skype, Yahoo, Hotmail, Browsers, etc.
Go to Start--->Run---> type CMD
When the command window opens
Type netstat -a
A list of connections will appear, letting you know what IP's are connected to your PC
If you recognize an IP that's different from yours and has " ESTABLISHED" behind it, then you have an ongoing connection with that IP and you're probably keylogged.
Should I look for different than mine addresses in Local Address column or in Foreign Address Column?
I just watched some video on YT and used ''netstat -b'' command and there appears to be an active connection using ''jusched.exe'' between my IP (Local Address) and Foreign IP that belongs to Akmai Technologies this company provides services to people with guns calling themselves US Gov.
Should I be concerned?
Some people say jusched.exe is a virus, some say it's Java related process.
EDIT: there is also lms.exe running. People say it is sometimes a legitimate Windows process and sometimes a maleware with the same name http[Suspicious link removed].html
Yes, you should look for different addresses than yours in the "Foreign address" column
Jusched.exe is Java auto-updater
To know if it's a virus or not, go to this
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Java\Java Update\
You should find jusched.exe there, If your Windows/Operating platform isn't installed on drive C:
Then, go to the drive the Windows/Operating platform is installed on
Or you could simply search for "Java"
If it exists in the Java folder, then it's just a Java updater.
If it does not, then it's a virus and you should do a hard drive scan
Viruses typically do not target Program Files, it mostly gets in the System32, Application data, and Temp folder.
Akamai Technologies is safe, it's probably where Java checks if there's an update needed.
, LMS.exe is a shortcut for Local Manageability Service
It's manufactured by Intel, if you have an Intel motherboard, Graphics card, proccessor or so, then it's okay.
You could try this to check if lms.exe is a virus or not.
Simply go to the Windows/Operating platform drive.
Search for lms.exe
If It shows up unhidden, then you should know where it's located, and go to and scan it there, it'll give you complete and accurate results if it has a malware or not.
If It shows up hidden, then it's okay, because LMS.exe has the ability to hide itself and most of the times exists in the Program Files folder.