Some data from Burnin's testing of his boards, may be useful for BKK. It seems that HW errors are not linear with frequency:
ambient: 25°C, water temperature 26°C
Chip Frequency - Chip surface temp, cgminer board-temp, Core voltage, power consumption, comments
Air cooling:
282 - 45.8, 40.5, 1.2, 46W, stable
340 - 50, 43, 1.2, 56W, stable
372 - 51.5, 45, 1.2, 61W, stable
390 - 52.5, 46, 1.2, 2% hw errors
390 - 53.3, 47.5, 1.25, 70W, stable
409 - 55, 48.5, 1.25, 2% errors
409 - 56.5, 51, 1.28, 77W, stable
434 - 57, 52, 1.28, 82W, 10% hw errors
Water cooling by Anfi-Tec:
282 - 40, 30, 1.016V, 33W, stable 170Mhash/watt undervolting
282 - 42, 30, 1.085V, 37W, stable
282 - 45, 30, 1.20V, 46W, stable stock 122Mhash/Watt
340 - 48, 30, 1.20V, 56W, stable
372 - 50, 30, 1.20V, 61W, stable
390 - 53, 30, 1.25V, 70W, stable
409 - 54, 30, 1.28V, 77W, stable
434 - 57, 31, 1.28V, 82W, 4% hw errors