Ok so let me clear a few things up from this side;
Firstly I have no beef with GMaxwell, he's always been prompt at responding to any issues I have raised where I have had the need to contact him. Last was a spelling mistake I think and he was v.sharp to correct and courteous. MiningBuddy has been equally proactive and polite.
Secondly, all prior testing was performed on the testnet as appropriate, however when it comes to actual proof to real customers that the product stands up and performs over a longer period it had to be to an account. Andreas and Sam are not desperate for a few hours worth of mining, and honestly it went to Vitali, the software engineer who finally resolved the bugs that had plagued them throughout the day. Seeing as he had only stood up to walk in a circle a couple of times in 24 hours, I doubt anyone would begrudge him that. Miner is offline now and being reviewed/optimised, whilst acceptable production is focused upon.
Thirdly, despite openly stating they will mine with upto 5% of what they manufacture, they aren't. If at any-point they do, it will be unlikely to occur prior to November's shipment. Quite simply they have sold all available boxes. They had to make a call as to what makes more long term sense. Ensure you have sufficient funds to progress with future generations, whilst ensuring there is a proportional float of chips in case of hardware error, returns, etc. The issue with selling out concerned the controller boards, and where the hell they ended up last week almost ruined what was achieved yesterday. More on that later, but in any case Mercury uses the same number of controller boards as Jupiter, one, but only one ASIC.
Finally aside the dev boxes and prototype board revisions, which will lead to an iterative ongoing improvement with respect t hardware, the only device in KnC's possession to 'mine for themselves' will be in the office foyer, and all coins generated from that will be going direct to charity. Which charity? Sam asked me to find one that accepts Bitcoins. I replied why not choose a known and respected one that has yet to adopt Bitcoins and kill two birds with one stone, by having another worth cause adopt Bitcoins as a payment avenue. Isn't there one close to your heart before I call around? And he stated that his little girl, now 2 years old, spent her first 56 days in intensive care at Sweden's Karolinska Institutet - Dept of Women's and Children's health - Neonatology - as she was born 8 weeks premature. This is one of the world's finest Neonatology wards and he feels indebted to them.
That depends, where are you wanting to keep the money in the EU or the states, I have one that my business supports.