Hi Bitcoinorama,
i hope that you have a good connection to KNC, can you send them my post?
They can send me about .2 btc btc for my work: 12feS3BnvYkYAf3wsrrftmeNrw1B5HRSZ1
I figured out what it is.
This procedure is repeatable, every one can check this!
It is an temperature problem !!!!!!
die 0 and die 1 are on the left side from the board and die 2 and die 3 are on the right side.
1. updating from 0.98 to 0.98.1
2. when only die 0 is now working all is normal at this moment and
when you wait awhile die 0 dies and the other ones start = this is normal! Why?
3. the monitordcdc script send commands to all 4 die´s in this moment goes the temp on them higher (doing something)
volt power ampere working bit = heat
4. now die 3 or die 4 recognized that and switch on! Die 4 said to die 3 hey come up, die 3 said to die 2 hey come up but die 2
has dementia and for got to say die 0 hey come up. Or the last case die 0 said no i am the master only the controller can
send commands to me, hmm, but when i was looking to the SPM bus documentation i can't find such things.
Why? See the picture, an picture say more then 1 million words:
Talking within 0 to 4 and not 4 to 0 or 3 to 2 or 2 to 1
ONLY 1 or 2 or 3 to the next
1. same like above
2. same like above
3. I take an hairdryer an blow slowly warm air to the die 0 an 1 an the left side of the Asic Borad!
4. the temperature walks slowly higher, near the point to 69°C i stopped the hairdryer and some seconds
later only die 1 is start working! NOW NOW WOW WOW WOW
When you look here in the forum you will recognizing that many people talks about: HIGHER Temp = better performance!
Exactly thats the problem, in SPM bus Docu you will find an command to switch on the die or off.
Solution / Problem here:
1. ########################################
10.8.2. Sending Too Few Bits
PMBus (and SMBus) transactions are carried out one byte at time. If while a device is writing to a PMBus device the transmission is interrupted by a START or STOP condition before a complete byte has been sent, this is a data transmission fault.
When a PMBus device detects this fault, it shall respond as follows:
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PMBus Power System Mgt Protocol Specification – Part II – Revision 1.1
• Flush or ignore the received command code and any received data,
• Set the CML bit in the STATUS_BYTE,
• Set bit [1] (“Other” fault) bit in the STATUS_CML register (if supported), and
• Notify the host as described in Section 10.2.2.
READ on from here
2. ########################################
10.8.7. Device Busy
ME: Before sending commands we had to stop the device and send then the command
The STORE_DEFAULT_ALL command instructs the PMBus device to copy the entire contents of the Operating Memory to the matching locations in the non-volatile Default
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Data Byte Value
1000 0000
Disable all writes except to the WRITE_PROTECT command
0100 0000
Disable all writes except to the WRITE_PROTECT, OPERATION and PAGE commands
0010 0000
Disable all writes except to the WRITE_PROTECT, OPERATION, PAGE, ON_OFF_CONFIG and VOUT_COMMAND commands
0000 0000
Enable writes to all commands.
PMBus Power System Mgt Protocol Specification – Part II – Revision 1.1
Store memory. Any items in Operating Memory that do not have matching locations in the Default Store are ignored.
It is permitted to use the STORE_DEFAULT_ALL command while the device is operating. However, the device may be unresponsive during the copy operation with unpredictable, undesirable or even catastrophic results. PMBus device users are urged to contact the PMBus device manufacturer about the consequences of using the STORE_DEFAULT command while the device is operating and providing output power.
This command has no data bytes. This command is write only.
ME: I think that can we figure out!
The RESTORE_DEFAULT_ALL command instructs the PMBus device to copy the entire contents of the non-volatile Default Store memory to the matching locations in the Operating Memory. The values in the Operating Memory are overwritten by the value retrieved from the Default Store. Any items in Default Store that do not have matching locations in the Operating Memory are ignored.
It is permitted to use the RESTORE_DEFAULT_ALL command while the device is operating. However, the device may be unresponsive during the copy operation with unpredictable, undesirable or even catastrophic results. PMBus device users are urged to contact the PMBus device manufacturer about the consequences of using the RESTORE_DEFAULT_ALL command while the device is operating and providing output power.
This command has no data bytes. This command is write only.
5. All possible commands:
Starting from page 73
6. Potential Conflict
Info´s here:
http://pmbus.org/docs/PMBus_Revision_1-2_Presentation_20100228.pdfhttp://pmbus.org/docs/PMBus_Specification_Part_I_Rev_1-1_20070205.pdfhttp://pmbus.org/docs/PMBus_Specification_Part_II_Rev_1-1_20070205.pdfI am an absolut beginner, an have from SPM bus programming absolutely no know how, but one thing i know is
that the CONTROLLING of the temps inside the die is the problem!