Smørrebrød, Smørrebrød – røm, tøm, tøm, tøm…
bitcøin, bitcøin – røm, tøm, tøm, tøm…
Just føund a new bløck!
New world order
Ragnaroek IMF
Ragnaroek SEC
One small step for KnC, one giant leap for mankind
One small step for KnC, one giant leap for bitcoin
A small step for KnC, a giant leap for bitcoin
A first step for KnC, a giant leap for bitcoin
In Kennemar & Cole we trust
In KnC we trust
Kennemar & Cole, building the future
KnC, building the future/of bitcoin
Time for a change
Old world < new world
New economy < really new economy
New economy < very new economy
New economy < up-to-date economy
KnC, cutting edge technology
Kennemar & Cole, cutting edge technology
KnC, travelling/speeding/rushing on the bitcoin highway
KnC,/black swan
KnC, excellence in product and delivery
KnCMiner, your anticipation/expectation, our challenge
lol. You used Norwegian ø. Swedish looks lik this: ö.