Hi, as it seems that we don't have a common thread for the shareholders of these groupbuys I'll post here.
Until now the the procedure for consulting has been via email but I'm starting to feel uncomfortable with the way that decisions are made, without and open discussion about it and I feel that affect the profit for us, I would like to hear openly about:
1. Investment on shares (most of them has lost all its value, currently -8.95 BTC).
2. Using shareholders investment for paying paypal fees of new investors.
3. It seems that the Neptune is going to have high requirements of power, is the current location (electric installation) prepared for hosting 2+ Neptunes? what is the estimated cost if not?
4. Using 20% for mining altcoin when we haven't run at full power for more than a week for the problems with the Jupiter3, is it really worth it?
5. Mining reinvestments.
I don't think anyone saw this from the Group Buy. I'll send them all an email to stop by.
To address your concerns:
1. Yes you are right which is why no further re-investment has been made since BTCT has gone under.
2. We paid for BTC fees and escrow fees as well. I don't see how that is any different. In addition that was back then and now Paypal is no longer a payment option.
3. No it is not which is why on the new threads I put down $500-$2,500 additional cost for an electric circuit to be run.
4. I believe that most people agreed with this decision. PPC is a solid alt coin and I believe there will be a benefit.
5. Not sure what you mean, but we did purchase a Neptune with them. Please elaborate.
Hi George,
1. I understand that close those positions is going to be hard without exchange, what happen with the DMS.SELLING shares? could you sell those?
2. I don't agree on this one, one thing are expenses of doing business for example an escrow fee for buying a miner and another different if a new shareholder send $10 you receive $9 and cover the extra dollar with money from the reinvestment fund, you are right, it was back then, but I think the difference is important.
3. ok, clear, I wasn't following the group buy for the second neptune.
4. ok, I personally believe that dividing efforts with altcoins (particularly if they are sha256 based) will hurt the early bitcoin adopters in the future, but if the majority of shareholder think its financially wise, great.
5. I'm just want to hear the toughs of everybody about when stop reinvesting on mining, it's fun and it's true that the new Neptune is going to keep us on the game for a little while, but the reality is that we invested 225BTC on the 3 Jupiters and we are going to recover 1/3? of that, we are just lucky that the prices of bitcoin made us break even.
Thank you for giving visibility to my questions, answer them and all the work done until now.