We know that there are two types of investor or traders that we do have in the market on which it would neither be a short term or long term trader/investor on which from the word itself then you could be able to point out that there are ones who do much prefer on having that short time or period on seeing their profits on their investment on which it would really be needing up that
More on the short term or long term.
This is also influenced by each person's psychology and how much experience they have in trading.
People who only want short-term profits always want to trade quickly and it is quite risky if they do not have qualified trading knowledge.
Fast trading or scalping requires good analysis and correct financial management for each order placed.
Likewise, the long-term trading type does not really think about how the strategy for their profits.
They only have one strategy which is the main price target for the long term.
Every trader should have or use both methods, short-term or long-term because both can provide profits.