Of course they say this, Bitcoins are not in the interests of the elites.
Depends on what one means by 'elites'. Bitcoin valuations are highly concentrated to a small number of people at this time, and probably always will be. It is not at all unfair to classify these people as 'elites' themselves, and they are free to play a variety of classic market cornering and manipulation games, extreme fee structures, outright theft, etc. And they do. A lot! Bitcoin itself is, of course, not 'evil', but it certainly has the potential to be used as an instrument in 'doing evil' (to use ridiculous short-hand) and this is the case and it will continue.
One of Bitcoin's biggest draws to me is that it currently serves as a mechanism providing a 'balance of power' between corp/gov interests on one hand and other entities on the other (which, again, includes a healthy contingent dirt-bags.) It is 'disruptive', but against interest who I personally don't mind seeing some disruption. How long this will last I'm not sure. In short, ya, Bitcoin is very political to me.
To Stross' comment:
BitCoin looks like it was designed as a weapon intended to damage central banking and money issuing banks, with a Libertarian political agenda in mind—to damage states ability to collect tax and monitor their citizens financial transactions.
Hell ya! I'm not a Libertarian but I don't mind some balance to the power of the central banks which increasingly exercise their power to manipulate governments on behalf of their owners and in ways which I consider negative for the rest of us.
Separately, I very much don't wish all of my financial transactions to be monitored for the same reason I don't want this to be the case for my contact lists, porn viewing habits, choice of parking spots, etc. It is very dangerous to submit to fine grained monitoring and collation of information into persistent individual dossiers. It's very much a case of 'when' and not 'if' these databases are abused.
Corp/gov is increasingly opaque about their affairs and interactions even while greatly expanding their visibility into ours. This is not a good trend.
Basically I feel that it is futile to sit around and wait for privacy to be granted to us citizens out of the goodness of the hearts of 'the powers that be.' It is correct and fair and ethical to
fight for privacy, and doing so is basically our only chance to obtain it.