With coin control, you can select some of the small chunks and send them to yourself, resulting in one big chunk. Note, however, that you have to pay the transaction fee for this, and also the big chunk starts with a coin age of zero. Nevertheless, after some weeks of staking, I would recommend consolidating the tiny chunks into bigger ones.
I did that recently and the performance of the wallet increased. Also cost of transaction to yourself is relatively low: 0.01KTK/1000Bytes of chunk records (about 6 chunks fit in that).
But if I do this, would I be still qualified for remaining KTKs from holding for one month?
If you send the KTK to the same address on which you received the stake then yes. And if in doubt, you can always only consolidate 15.000 KTK, as the requirement for the bonus is holding on to half the KTK