But the next release will be the online wallet, shortly after that the wordpress plugin. I've not posted exact details what the plugin does, and won't until it's ready, all I'll say for now it works with the online wallet.
We can get a anon feature added to the wallet for 10 btc, split half with ktk.
Re: hashcows
If there's enough interest, we can get the option of payouts in KTK, cost is approx 100k in bounty.
also an update about what is currently being worked on and what we can do other then buying and voting would be nice
I am willing to donate more KTK for the cause, as others might be I imagine, but I REALLY want to get some transparency on this, learn who we are "hiring", etc, 10 btc for a fully working anon is either a great opportunity or a blatant scam!