loan amount 0.0074
bitcoin 1KyWQNQ3ToYWh7V7mQLhRTuPe6pcMby6ns
number of days 7 days or less
collateral none /but if you want my bitcointalk accont/ no problem
Optional service /see v
I'll answer this for Lone shark.
You have requested a loan numerous times, your "collateral" is an account with a really horrible post quality and grammar.
Not a single signature campaign would accept your account into their campaign, so can you please stop posting these requests before you get your account tagged with negative trust.
Thank you.
LOL. I should hire you to answer my stuff or you can even open your own lending section.
Thanks Onni.
@phiggg: Denied.
Sorry I have to deny your request because of the following reason/s:
1. The account is not worth the loan amount.