proof the payment of the organisation? I know i was in that status only a short while ago.
If you are new to Bitcoin then you should know that there are popping new sites likes this ot ouf the ground every day. They also scam every second day. You invested at a high risk and i would say this ponzi with it's copied faq wouldn't last long. 13,5% a day? Impossible for more than 2 months...
Enough of this writing, I know in what section of the forum, and I am doing deposits, no more than I can afford to lose.
Calling this guy out as a shill account of the OP who has made multiple HYIP websites, unfortunately. Check his posting history and you'll see that he has glowing praise for websites such as lucrebit and LabMining.Club, but when it comes to other HYIP websites his praise turns to insults.