I don't know what you mean by "AnCap society". That is the first time I have seen that term in this discussion. However, a free market is an environment free of violent coercion, by definition. That is why it is described as free. If you are envisioning some other type of market that is not free of violent coercion, than you are not envisioning a free market. This is what Myrkul correctly pointed out to you originally, and bitcoinbitcoin113 reemphisized this same point. Trying to argue that a free market must necessarily not be a free market is just obtuse.
If what you originally meant was, "the whole (of our current monetary system) is a giant ponzi," I think you would get enthusiastic agreement.
I brought AnCap into the discussion, because many envision that to be the ultimate in free markets. I understand that we have a problem with semantics when discussing free market. You were using the absolute definition, which is of course fine; I was using the widespread definition, as used by many politicians, claiming that what we have now is a free market, as opposed to the planned economies of the socialist world.
My point was that an ideal free market cannot exist, because it immediately reverts to being non-free due to several factors, but I guess this is a discussion for another time, since we are discussing SS here