From Authorship:
...Also, I see many mentioned we did not pay people who had 75 ATS tokens, I think you even quoted such a message yourself. This is not true, if you check the token holders list, there are almost 5,000 people who have 75/80/85 ATS tokens (last 100 pages:
There are over 12,000 token holders, if some still want to call us a scam, it's their choice. We've heard back from 90%+ of the investors and none care about this. Our focus is on developing the project we raised money for...
So there are 4400 people with 75/85 tokens (from page 154 to 242) were paid.
You realize that each person with more than 75/85 tokens may have several/dozens of/hundreds of referrals with 75/85 tokens? The 75 level must take 50% or more of the number of participants, but here we have only 4400 over 12000 people?
The truth is they allowed a bounty fund much bigger than the announced 1 mil tokens, thinking they would filter out a lot of people later. In the end they spent 8 mil tokens to pay people from high to low numbers of tokens (there were many multiple time payments, but it's NOT that everyone was paid 8 times) but that 8 mil was not even enough, so they gave up and just ignored most people with low amount of tokens.
The 4400 figure is simply not realistic. For about 8 mil tokens (or 4 mil, or even only 2 mil), the actual number of people with 75/85 tokens must be MUCH BIGGER than that.
So their answer is just an attempt to fool people from the fact that most people with low amount of tokens (especially 75) haven't been paid.
Anyway, a whole lot of legit people completed the withdrawal form but haven't been paid as they promised in their email on Sep 18. (See the
poll result, though this poll is unfair: 1. Its title is deceptive, all investors were paid so they would say 'yes'; 2. Newbies are not allowed to vote. Most people with low amount of tokens may not even have a bitcointalk account.) How can they run from that? Or do they intend to be LYING COWARDS FOREVER?
I think this probably makes the most sense of anything I've read. It would also explain why the people I referred got nothing but I did (310 ATS). But I would have thought seeings as my mother also invested (one of my referrals), they'd cross check wallets and give the tokens to those who invested.