Well i don't have a problem with Lauda.
She / He / It ..is trying to make the system we have here work.
I don't like how the system is setup or i should say changed over time.
For example when i got here there was no SIG campaigns or ICO's to spam about.
Lauda has clearly been trying to make what we have here work.
I just don't see it as anything usable..
What she said was "nonsense".
What kind of an idiot trades here on the forum when scamming is allowed ?
Did you all hear me point out how staff ignore the Paypal TOS issue ?
How they allow SIG campaign'ers to run wild ?
How they allow spamming all over so guys can rank up ? Seen off topic ?
Guys can sell their accounts ? then cry hacked and charge back on it ?
Do i need to go on ?
This place is fucked up and scammy beyond comprehension.
So yeah.. why would you be using your bought account to create a business out of it buying & selling Paypal / BTC here ?
What happens when PP is tipped off ?
And ohhh yes idiots.. i can assure you i have in fact ratted you the fuck out too.
I told them to come here and watch you shitheads.
And yeah.. PP knows who the shitheads are.
They are the ones who i tried to neg but got banned and posts removed and mouthed off etc
when i negged the PP army of traders here who hop from account to account..
Staff here protect them and their scammy forum account monetization antics.
I pointed out how one of them for example told me he had been caught numerous times and had money taken by PP and he simply goes and creates a new account at PP then says he rights off the money and forgets about it.
So what happens when the PP fraudsters forum busness man here can not recover the seized funds or cover the loss ?
The users gets burned.Is there a sticky on that warning people ? Of fucking course not ROFL
And what did theymos have in that market section ?
A sticky on how PP charge backs are a risk.
Uhhh no theymos.. getting caught having any association to crypto with your PP account is a risk.
We know because it says so in the TOS.
And when i post about that in that section they delete my posts.
Who ? ...staff + the guys account hopping.
Making it work ?
fuck off.. gimme a break
those days are long gone Lauda.. the ship sailed and no one told you.
This place is a scam fest and it is because staff want it this way.
Every which way you look at it this is a corrupt rigged scammy ass retarded joke.
So ?
yeah..uhh WHY the fucking hell would you be here doing deals with nobody random accounts ?
Which i might add are the overwhelming majority here.
PS:I have done a few deals with guys in crypto and i sure as hell never used an Escrow.
Myself and the others parties had full 100% trust.
I have never used an escrow in my life once.
Why would i ?
If you don't trust the person should you be doing deals with them ?
ahh greed is a hell of a bitch isn't it ROFL
@LaudaI agreed with everything you said earlier in response to me except the last part.
Don't take offense i see what you mean etc.
I just differ in my view that trying to fix this place is worth it.
Not when we do not have support from admins.