Slander is a very serious offence.
So is plagiarism.
Yes, it is. Except we have taken legal advice and what we have done is in no way illegal and any claims of plagiarism would not stand up in court.
Feel free to waste a ton of money on losing a court case if you want to.
You really don't know anything about law right...
You've already to have been exposed to have copied someone else's work + smart contract from modex, which if you are taking everything out of proportion is theft and plagiarism which can be deemed a criminal offense and you are liable to criminal charges and even a prison sentence.
Try to bring this to court and there is a 99% chance you will be laughed out of court and you will also be forced to pay my court fees.
I look forward to my one week vacation where my fees are all paid for and I can just sit and laugh at an idiot.
PS- Since you obviously don't know what slander is, I'll explain it to you.
Slander is an
oral statement that has been made in order to damage someone's reputation. This has no been done and in court, it is easily arguable that this thread and the responses were made in order to expose a scam ( your project). The judge wouldn't care then.
Also, we just need to contact a few of the hundreds of people you have tried to take down and we all of a sudden have a full case for you being a scammer and a blackmailer.
Who the fuck are you going to contact? Quickseller? I doubt any of the account farmers or scammers would go to court and show there face. Good luck.
You on the other hand are accusing us of "plagiarism" except there is not way this would stand in court.
Not really, the smart contract is easily copied and that would be easy to prove. Plagiarism is considered an offense when over 25% of something is copied. You've copied at least 70% of the code there.
You are going to feel really stupid when you could have avoided it all by removing the picture.
You are going to feel really poor and stupid when you pay for my court fees.
Once again, feel free to come after us in court for plagiarism, it will not stand. When we come after you though Lauda, we are taking you for everything you have.
One more offense! Implied death threats, which is considered a criminal offense also. Have fun fighting all of these.
Yes, we will sue someone over a meme that is slanderous towards our team member and we will win, 100%.
Have fun.
Hopefully this will be a lesson for all of you keyboard warriors who think they can try and ruin someone's reputation by posting slanderous content. Hiding behind your computer is not protecting you from anything.
Hopefully this will be a lesson for all of you ico scammers who are too poor to pay for sigs.