But I'll mine it too
Achilles is not for shopping. It is for Business to Business transactions . not $10 to $20 here and there but Millions and Billions worth of transactions. Lets say Google has a supplier in china. Google buys 20 million phone chargers for there new and upcoming device. That entire transaction can take place within Achilles.
The Invoices , Shipping , Tracking for the shipping , accounting and all the Business technicality’s involved in such a large business purchase. When companies buy from another company there is a lot more that goes into that purchase. Achilles caters to the technicality’s and makes it easy and Convenient by putting this entire Business to business transaction process into one elite b2b tool Achilles.
I wonder why goggle wouldn't just use a bank transfer for this kind of transaction? People won't be using this coin for business to business transactions because the nature of altcoins. People have a hard time doing what your talking about with bitcoin. Why because the constant rise and fall of the market makes it too unstable for business transactions. Businesses would rather use bank transfers for these kind of things. How do you plan on getting them to us an altcoin for it instead?