If they acknowledge that and do nothing to at least outlaw those activities...Then I truly, sincerely hope OpenBazaar gets banned/becomes illegal to use.
I understand where you're coming from. I don't think anyone wants a site where "murder for hire" is allowed. But its a double edged sword. Freedom comes with bad actors. Bad actors are still breaking laws, and are doing so at their own risk. If they get caught, they go to jail, just like with any illegal activity. We have to remember that the internet was the hub for pornographers and perverts in the beginning too. For several years, nobody I knew had the internet, and the only shit I saw online was AOL Chat rooms dedicated to "Gay Dudes Fisting" and "Bears for Twinks" and "F my Wife, Please". If you wanted to get laid easily in 1997, the internet was the place to do it. You couldn't do much else there. There was no Amazon.com until 1999. Its a tough topic. There are two valid viewpoints in both directions. I suppose with the internet - nobody running it - nobody was responsible for illegal activities. When you've got a centralized organization like Open Bazaar, there does seem to be a moral imperative. Which they can choose to ignore if they like.