Recent news broke out about BitMex with them having the current oopsie that they had. No matter how much you are protecting yourself with all the data you have, the security measures that you put into your accounts, there would be times that it's not your fault, and something still happens, and you cannot do something about it.
I reached this conclusion with the recent happenings. Just like that, I have been sent an email concerning BitMex saying that my account was compromised. I haven't seen the article
[1] yet, and I was curious why I received this email. I'm pretty sure I haven't posted anything connected to my email that I have an account on BitMex.
It's kind of weird to receive it, I know it's not a scam because it shows a referral link, hopefully not a phishing one, but knowing that my information has been leaked, it made me feel uneasy with the exchange.
I hope people understand that sometimes it's not your fault that you get compromised. It's to be vigilant with your information also with regards to any suspicious links or emails of any kind. Be careful.