Debt is something that a person should always avoid if possible. It is just an extra burden that can be a lifetime headache, so as long as borrowed money is intended to get an income source or boost current business it is okey. I have seen people trying to pay off his debt till his death and in some cases his children inherit this burden as well.
I don't understand what OP is trying to conclude here because I don't see debt as good or bad. If someone can pay off his debt in time even if he use that money to have some liabilities it shouldn't be any problem.
youre talking about bad unproductive debt where its just utilized for something consumptive not necessarily adding value to your asset worth as well as don't give you passive income of course it will be burden, i think what OP meant is that taking loan for buying something that gonna increase your asset worth and passive income instead, so that the debt will pay itself from the profit you get by renting a property for example if you try to borrow some money to buy property that actually has some worth since housing right now is needed more than ever and not everyone can afford to buy house many millennials are just renting house.
so basically you are taking some loan even though it seem like you are in debt but actually you don't really use that debt in consumptive way, if worst get to worst, then you can simply sell that property that's still in mortgage (its possible) and then be done with it at worst you just only lose some small amount of money.
If you are really that mindful about into your future then it would really be just that fine or normal that you would really be having those kind of advanced thinking on how you would really be making those things
to make it happen in the future on which you would really be needing to be wise when it comes to spending on which we do know that this is really that needing to have that kind of decisions on which
not all people would really be able to do so but rather they would really be focusing into things on which they could really be able to make their own and would satisfy themselves without having
those kind of plans into their lives.
Bad debts and Good debts, it would really be just that impossible that you cant really be able to make yourself that realize on determining about the two.
If you would really be going into the path that you would really be making such lavish life and making debts then you would really be ending up on
wrecking your life with.
Taking out loans carelessly will of course be a problem for us in the future, including our future, even though it is said to be in the short term, bad things could happen. especially by using debt only for unimportant needs, such as to fulfill style desires, I think this happens to many young people today, they tend to prioritize style over needs so that quite a few young people have debt.
In my opinion, everyone should have a plan for their life, including the future, because the future is determined by us from now on, if for example we use debt and spend it properly, such as for business needs or other things, then it is likely that this will not be a problem. but if it is as I said above then it will be a problem and it is possible that it could hinder or even become a problem in the future.
Of course, in my opinion, everyone can determine which choices are good and bad, but on the other hand, there are people who dare to take very risky actions, by taking out loans even though they are not really needed, such as just to fulfill their desire to be stylish. I think that's a bad move or maybe stupid.