the important thing to remember in an investment is to learn how to find the balance between selling/buying/holding. because you need to do all of these to be successful.
when price goes up, it will come down. you can see that all over the charts and it takes a while before it stops and reverses. one of the ways to increase your investment is to sell before the dip and buy back in it.
and before is not that hard to recognize. just look at how much price has dropped from the top. if it is bigger than 15% it is already late.
This right here, people seem to forgot facts like this. Bitcoin can't keep going up forever, and you won't continue to be making money if you just keep buying.
People must also now that even though that they may have missed out in making money at this price by selling early, they must remember the money that they made by selling at the time they did. Sadly you will always miss out on things in life, it's not worth sulking while you can be researching the next HIT.
I missed out on a lot too, sulked for sometime and found out how useless it is to do that.