For what it's worth, in defence/support of Invactus, I had problems with another leased rig that was using LRP and I THINK (not 100% confirmed, but most likely explanation) it might have something to do with some pools being "incompatible" with LRP. I also now think that maybe this is the problem I had during my lease of this rig, hence the huge variation in leaserig stats that I mentioned in my first post.
See (Jump to "UPDATE" and read on)... short version, some pools disconnect workers when there's too many connections (which is more likely with high MH/s LRP rigs since there's more workers).
djezo and some rig owners blame the pools, leasers are most likely to blame it on the rig owners.. personally I think it's due to protection measures set to limit the number of conections (I've seen a few pools put that number at 15 per IP) to prevent/mitigate DDOSs rather that pool owners varying from stratum specification as djezo suggests. but I also think rigs owners using LRP should maybe have a warning/disclaimer about some pools not being compatible. Or better still, leaserig should have a sitewide notice for all rigs it knows to be using LRP.
Or even better still would be some system whereby you can check how a particular pool works with an LRP rig before you lease it (not sure how it could be done that's fair, reasonably accurate and unexploitable but I'm sure it could be done with some thought).
Really we could do with a dedicated thread to discuss this publicly with djezo but I'm too tired for that now...
Rented for 3 hours, first 13 minutes was mining on his poo(noy sure if thats mine or his fault)l.
You probably didn't select a pool before clicking the hire button, I think I might have done that too but realised quicker