LOL! That's really good stuff. Do you have any legal sites for it, or is it all freeman?
all YOUR stuff has been freeman rhetoric .. and your soo inept/narrow minded, that you either dont realise it or are just soo arrogant in your ignorance that you are suddenly trying to back track and pretend your not freeman but suddenly the rest of the world is..
sorry dude but YOU ARE THE ONE quoting freeman stuff.. no one else JUST YOU
now here is a tip for your escape route out of your beliefs of the limited freeman stuff
research tresspass and contracts
these are part of common and constitutional law. and you should start to see the flaws of your previous freeman rhetoric once you open yourself up to stuff outside your freeman box
happy researching.
and no need to reply with any more random defensive waffle. just do the research
You are finally getting to the REAL point. You are absolutely right! All MY stuff is freeman rhetoric. But it seems that you haven't figured out why, yet. Here's why.
All MY stuff is based in the way the government operates. And government is set up to operate with the idea of giving freedom to people. This is why it is freeman stuff, and not slave stuff.
What this means is that you have it a bit backward. The so-called freemen that you are talking about didn't have to go through all the BS they went through to attempt to get what they wanted. They acted out of ignorance to some extent, but possibly out of being duped by government plants inside their organizations.
True freemen use government laws to remain free. But before they use these laws, they learn how the laws work by looking at examples of what works... and understanding why it works the way it does.
Do you remember my point in the OP? Let me repeat it here: "What I am looking for is comments regarding the below info. Is it right? Is it wrong? Has it been discarded in law? Has it been overruled by various court cases? Are the legal sites accurate? What does anyone think? The points are numbered, so it should be easy to answer them point-by-point."
You seem to think that I am supporting some faulty ideals by asking questions. You seem to think that it is a bad idea to show some laws and court cases to people. You seem to think that I am somehow bad for pointing out some things to other people so that they can make up their own minds.
It's like you want to condemn me for investigating and asking others to do the same. You want people to be like ostriches, and stick their heads in holes in the sand, so that they can be attacked from behind. What kind of a sick dips**t are you? Wake up and start learning so that you have something to protect yourself with should you ever need it.