
Topic: Legendary Bitcoin Trader “masterluc” Predicts $15,000 Bitcoin This Year (Read 5040 times)

Activity: 1834
Merit: 4197
This is bitcointalk gold...everyone should read this thread..   The Master has quietly gained a following here methinks..I still check he's analysis thread for updates.

It is unreal how well he has called it so far imo.
hero member
Activity: 2240
Merit: 848
Great to see how crazy $15k was for this year just over 3 months ago and now with weeks left in the year we're only $600 away and will probably blow right on by it in the coming days haha.
full member
Activity: 238
Merit: 100
Wow, what a precise prediction. I never heard of masterluc before, but I now definitely will read up what I can find about him. Seems like he is on top of his game still. Right before the end of 2017 we will see the $15,000.
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1018
Activity: 2590
Merit: 3015
Welt Am Draht
Is that a fact? There's literally no banking and hasn't been for 6 months. Institutional investors? LOL. They wouldn't touch Bitfinex with a barge pole.

They're claiming they have special banking arrangements for their 'institutional investors' presumably linked to some shell company on an obscure Caribbean island registered to a toothless fisherman on a beach.

That's exactly what Wall St likes to deal with.

The explosion of Tether does make sense if all USD related to Bitfinex moved into it, but I don't see how it got there.

Instead of saying anything about cashing in USDT for real dollars via the Tether bank accounts they said people could swap it for real USD on Kraken. So in effect it's offloading the backing onto other mugs who believe it'll ever be redeemable.
Activity: 1666
Merit: 1196
So you're speaking about the USDT car wash token I'd guess right!?
I've read several blog posts about that and if it's turned out to be true, well it could get really ugly.

Indeed. It's ever so slightly fishy that this run started off almost to the minute that their USD banking ended and the amount of USDT started swelling from $10 million to now well over $300 million.

I definitely believe the Bitfinex/Poloniex rally (where they developed a massive premium over the other exchanges, which were hesitant to follow) catalyzed the May rally. That's not to say it wouldn't have happened otherwise, but they were the driving force.

The Tether supply expansion can be explained if you account for an exodus from Bitfinex to Poloniex, Kraken, Bittrex, BTC-e and other exchanges that accept(ed) USDT deposits. Does that make me comfortable, though? No. It just means that if something very bad happens to Bitfinex (and I think the chances of that are high, given their precarious legal decisions and incompetence regarding security), the fallout from USDT plummeting in value will spread to many other exchanges. This wouldn't be like Gox; customers will be devastated on many exchanges if Bitfinex goes down.

They keep going on about 'institutional investors' moving 7-8 figures daily in and out of Tether.

Is that a fact? There's literally no banking and hasn't been for 6 months. Institutional investors? LOL. They wouldn't touch Bitfinex with a barge pole.
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 501
I don't think it will. By hitting $15k it would really take something much more than just a fork gone right. It would mean that at least 5% of the world is using bitcoin, which it currently is not. We have made tons of progress but not that much to push us over $10k yet.

5% of the world getting in would probably push the price into the high tens of thousands or more.

There are maybe 10-20 million people involved now, and that might be extremely optimistic. That's 0.13-0.26% of the world's population.

Well yeah. Even if it hits just 1% adoption it would mean that bitcoin will be easily soaring over the predicted price of $15k. However the point here is, this pump is backed by nothing other than pure 100% speculation (apart from 1st August being not as disruptive as we thought, that is, but that doesn't mean that btc should have just gone up 800%).

I'm not saying that $15k is impossible, i just think that this is something irrational that a lot of people seem to say when the markets are in bull mode and it seems to not be coming down. Just because this guy predicted a crash, it shouldn't mean that his words are the gospel... Use your logic instead, question yourself whether or not you think another 400% rise is possible this year. If you are comfortable taking that risk then sure, nobody is stopping you. But personally i wouldn't.
Activity: 2590
Merit: 3015
Welt Am Draht
I don't think it will. By hitting $15k it would really take something much more than just a fork gone right. It would mean that at least 5% of the world is using bitcoin, which it currently is not. We have made tons of progress but not that much to push us over $10k yet.

5% of the world getting in would probably push the price into the high tens of thousands or more.

There are maybe 10-20 million people involved now, and that might be extremely optimistic. That's 0.13-0.26% of the world's population.
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 501
If BTC reached 15K this year I will be very upset because I didn't buy enough when I could have.

However it is a nice perspective to ponder on for the lucky ones who made better choices than me!

I don't think it will. By hitting $15k it would really take something much more than just a fork gone right. It would mean that at least 5% of the world is using bitcoin, which it currently is not. We have made tons of progress but not that much to push us over $10k yet.

Personally i have made enough profit already, and i don't feel like taking on much risk right noww so i have cashed out 80% of my stash.

Anyways, i do think that bitcoin will be able to get to $15k, $4k is already overvalued. We probably will hit $5k this year though for a nice all time high record to ponder at in the next few years.
Activity: 3780
Merit: 5429
There's a BFX employee on there who basically doesn't address a single concern with anything resembling facts.

Yeah, and 'member that 20-something PR guy that defended them during that whole hacking debacle?

So where is he now? Did he leave because he secretly feared or knew that the exchange was running shady practices and didn't want his name/rep associated when they collapse?
Activity: 2590
Merit: 3015
Welt Am Draht
So you're speaking about the USDT car wash token I'd guess right!?
I've read several blog posts about that and if it's turned out to be true, well it could get really ugly.

Indeed. It's ever so slightly fishy that this run started off almost to the minute that their USD banking ended and the amount of USDT started swelling from $10 million to now well over $300 million.

They keep going on about 'institutional investors' moving 7-8 figures daily in and out of Tether. What 'institutional investor' in their right mind would deal with a company with that track record and Tether's terms and conditions? They've outright said that they bank like criminals, ducking and diving to stay ahead of everyone.

It's going to be worse than Gox if it turns out to be true. Bitfinex has a habit of killing rallies either through incompetence or outages. This one might be their crowning achievement.

This is a relevant thread -

There's a BFX employee on there who basically doesn't address a single concern with anything resembling facts.
Activity: 1442
Merit: 1016
It would mean that bitcoin is at around $300 billion in market cap.

So what? Do you really think market cap means anything at all?

Reaching that price is down to a few thousand sellers and buyers on a handful of exchanges. Nothing else commands the price.

And the rise from $1000 was probably created by Bitfinex pumping it with non existent money anyway.

So you're speaking about the USDT car wash token I'd guess right!?
I've read several blog posts about that and if it's turned out to be true, well it could get really ugly.
Activity: 2590
Merit: 3015
Welt Am Draht
It would mean that bitcoin is at around $300 billion in market cap.

So what? Do you really think market cap means anything at all?

Reaching that price is down to a few thousand sellers and buyers on a handful of exchanges. Nothing else commands the price.

And the rise from $1000 was probably created by Bitfinex pumping it with non existent money anyway.
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 500
If the price more than quadrupled this year, why not another jump less than 3x higher?

Have you thought about the exact opposite argument? The price has actually more than quadrupled in the past 12 month period, and to expect it to jump 3-4x higher would be pretty ridiculous. It would mean that bitcoin is at around $300 billion in market cap.

As much as i am willing to see this happen i just don't think it's possible this year, or the next.

Bitcoin can achieve these sort of price levels, if given the right condition and lots of time. But short term wise, price is quite high. We are not even certain on whether or not there will be a major adjustment coming or not, let alone bitcoin going to $15k.
Activity: 17
Merit: 1
If the price more than quadrupled this year, why not another jump less than 3x higher?

As they say, lip is not a fool)
hero member
Activity: 741
Merit: 500
CryptoTalk.Org - Get Paid for every Post!
If the price more than quadrupled this year, why not another jump less than 3x higher?
full member
Activity: 216
Merit: 100
Ask any oldtimer, and you’ll find that masterluc is something of a legend in the Bitcoin community. His main claim to fame is that he called the top of the November 2013 Bitcoin bubble and the subsequent bear market.

On December 6, with the price at $1100, he said:

“Third day in a row I wake up, see charts and ask myself "Is this the end?" and third day in a row answer is "Yes.” End of first historical bullish trend 2010-2013.”
Is this a joke or what? Those running Bitcoin said there will be a split on November, and that Bitcoin cash wasn’t as a result any split. It’s UST few months before November, and someone is trying to tell me price will hit $15,000? That’s crazy.
Activity: 1862
Merit: 1530
Self made HODLER ✓
It really seems that it is not possible.... unless we experience some similar rise as the Q4 2013.. in which case it would be *WAY* more higher than $15K. But that is completely impossible, isn't it?
copper member
Activity: 658
Merit: 284
Ask any oldtimer, and you’ll find that masterluc is something of a legend in the Bitcoin community. His main claim to fame is that he called the top of the November 2013 Bitcoin bubble and the subsequent bear market.

On December 6, with the price at $1100, he said:

“Third day in a row I wake up, see charts and ask myself "Is this the end?" and third day in a row answer is "Yes.” End of first historical bullish trend 2010-2013.”

Wow, $15k for BTC1? No way! We are already in August now almost September 2017, that means we have only 4 months away to 2018. I don't think there is any chance of bitcoin tripling in price by the end of this year. Perhaps in December 2018, that one I think is possible but 2017 no way man! The guys may be "Legendary" but we are all human beings, that means our predictions are not always right. Sometimes our predictions are right and some are wrong. Smiley
Activity: 1806
Merit: 1521
Prediction is just what it is. I never thought the price we've seen this year is going to come soon. The truth of bitcoin is: we can never time the next price

Exactly. But is it going to go up by 30x in a year? I don't think so. Remember back in September last year we were looking at $600 as a relatively high price, and all of a sudden we are at $4k. But $15k is a completely different narrative, it is far beyond the scope of what we can achieve this year imo.

Long term wise it's no worries, but this year probably not going to happen.

Well, we have two schools of thought on this, and we really have no precedent to decide which is more legitimate. The first looks at the past to extrapolate that similar logarithmic gains can be realized in the future. The second says that this type of growth is unsustainable because it takes an exponentially increasing amount of money to continue pushing the market higher.

I'd say the former scenario is possible if institutions and hedge funds become heavily involved in the market. They can push the markets further (in both directions) than you can probably stomach once the derivatives markets are in full swing. Looks like we are getting there with LedgerX. What a time to be alive!
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