Reason of taking loan : Small Investment
Your BTC address : 1DFFaywHrBUeN3dd4cYLMceFQdBq9czH2m
Time of repayment : 06/17/15
How much BTC do you repay : .26 btc
Collateral yes/no : No
I have decent trust hopefully this will be enough
No it won't. Even with the account as collateral the collateral value is still lower than the loan itself, and it should be atlease 120% of the loan.
Collateral: My This BTTALK account
Term Length: 6 days Payback on 10th
Interest: 0.007(0.077)
Bitcoin Address: 1JErgyToeBdKmGQRAQErzNBadsgycMJf2w
Amount to Repay:0.077
I just Paid my last loan back before the due date ---
Can you sign this address ; 1Fqfmp8whFFasvA6NAmddKKqrhWkVbSLqS
PM me if you can.