Reason: Want to increase advertising budget for my health supplement business by using my auto insurance lead generation site as leverage. I am asking for this loan as the following weeks are ripe for weight loss products due to new years resolutions.
BTC Address: 14kp7xrGr4jKchgGLt8PZ2H11obpS2gFhY
Term Length: 20 days after loan approved. Will edit after loan approved with the exact date. (It needs to be this way so I have plenty of time to advertise and get the ROI).
Repayment: 110.20 BTC
Collateral: For collateral, I will be giving the OP full ownership of the auto insurance lead generation site while I, royserpa, pay for all the fees needed to change ownership. This is not a sale but I am leveraging my auto insurance lead generation business to have a bigger loan that I wouldn't have otherwise.
Now, for the business details:
The domain:
The current annual revenue: $320,864 USD
The current annual expenses: $128,272 USD
What's the business about?
It's about lead brokering. We generate (and buy from other sources) leads that are interested in auto insurance and then we sell them to several auto insurance brokers.
The business was started in 2015.
The business is currently being sold at (link: though I would like to use it as a leverage to get a loan before it is actually sold.
Why am I asking for the loan?
Well, the profit generated in 2016 was mainly used to start other projects, including the health supplement business, which is the one that advertising will be bought with the loan.
When going to the bank, I was offered only $25,000 USD. An amount that is not what I am looking for, as I currently have $25,000 USD that are going to be invested in the health supplement business. So, instead of going to a bank, I decided to leverage my auto insurance lead generation business to get a bigger loan.
Few questions: Would you be able to extend your loan term to a couple of weeks more? Also, if you would like to proceed, can we do the domain transfer through PM? I would like to handle the transfer privately as sensitive information will be shared.
Anyway, please let me know what you think.
PS: By the way, the usual collateral has a value of 120% more than the loan, and in this case, the collateral has a value of more than 160% the loan asked. This is, for the sole reason that OP can have more leverage on this as this is a big transaction.
Quoting for reference!
95BTC? Are you kidding? Your website is not worth that much. I opened it and it is shit. Pardon the word, but that is what I would describe it. Good luck fooling someone with that. I've seen much better insurance finders than that and your website is so far from it.
Some facts about your website.
Alexa ranking is 9,157,410. How the hell would you even get $300,000 income from that kind of ranking eh?
worthofbeb valued it only $95. NOT 95BTC!
Another analysis of your website. No matter what website analyzer I use your website would turn out to be worthless.
Well this would still boil down to what would condoras decide. But to me it is not worth 95BTC, not even close.
Hi Loan Shark,
Now, I missed a lot of information, but you can read everything related to the business in this 14 pages pdf.
Download link:!MxVkVYzS!CKl7wPBwGaEi09mph31gf3gGaXC0kMOt09lqC6-6a_s
VirusTotal link for pdf file:
Domain is not ranked in Google, that's why those metrics are low. obviously, if domain was ranked, those stats would be higher. Still worthofweb can't give a real estimation as a lot of things are left behind.
Now, the business goal is to generate (and buy leads) and sell them for profit. The leads are generated by buying traffic from Native ad networks as well as buying leads from lead brokers. Each lead generated/bought cost is around $12 then we sell them to 8 brokers that gets us around $26 per lead on average.
In the pdf file you can find more information about the business and more details, though, if you need more information I can share it as needed.
EDIT: Sites are usually valued at how much revenue they generate in the last 12 months on average. Though, usually that monthly average is multiplied by 24 or even 36 depending on longevity of the business.
Hello and a Happy New Year.
Loan Request : Denied
Everything i want to say, it's been said from my fellow Lender LS.
Of course the Loan Amount that you ask is very good but your Collateral it isn't. Not even near the 1/1000 of the Amount actually...
The thing though that is a little annoying is that you don't care to even read the Collateral Thread here and ask a Loan of 100k$.
- Condoras -