Loan Purpose: Finance trading account at bitmex
Loan Repay Amount: 0.012
Loan Repayment Date: less than or equal to 30 days later.
Type of Collateral: None
Escrow profile Link: None
BTC Address: 3BMEX1DoRNxV2F96CQzNCnCfrXdejyL5rF
Just found out about this today.
Loan Purpose: Personal Use
Loan Repay Amount: 1.1
Loan Repay Date: 22/02/2020
Type of Collateral: 6,481,525 ERD (Traded on binance) (worth 1.2BTC)
Escrow profile Link: none
Bitcoin Address: My staked address - 3DGjbDjNhtfHze6Rq6N9gVoa3pB119hee1
I have not full access so I can't check before 30 hours from now.
Loan Purpose: Bills payments
Loan Repay Amount: 0.014 BTC
Loan Repay Date: 23 February 2020 or earlier
Type of Collateral: No
Escrow profile Link: No
Bitcoin Address: 1JWq1rmPVBfuYXpdrCUDir4Ytv84jwxLB2