Username: Thecryptofan911
Loan Amount: 0.5 BTC
Loan Purpose: Debt consolidation until solar tax credit redemption
Loan Repay Amount: 0.655 BTC
Loan Repay Date: March 1st, 2020 (Federal government renewable energy tax refund ($8,645.68)
Type of Collateral: None But will also transfer one or two SREC (Solar Renewable Energy Certificate) to your name for holding or resale (current value in my market is $230.00)
Bitcoin Address: 1Jtm8ATzP1s1hjYCvr8J4MQojnDHm4A3vA
Side note: getting a $28,000 solar system installed this weekend. Need to free up some credit score on my fico report to lower my Debt to Income ratio. Federal government refunds at tax time 30% of my solar systems cost. If you help me out I’ll send back 0.655BTC along with two solar SREC certificates to your name to hold for a few years to see if any major advancements occur in solar driving the SREC price up past $300 or instantly resell or barter with someone for trade.
Telegram: same as my forum name
System installation specs: