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nobody knows who is Satoshi Nakamoto.
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Correct. And reasonable people don't care who he is either. He came up with an impressive solution to managing distributed consensus, but he has no control over the current protocol or software.
You can not be a real, viable and credible alternative with anonymity. Sorry for that...but it's true!
Fortunately the source code is completely public. Everyone is welcome to review the software and see exactly what it does. Therefore the credibility of the initial publisher doesn't matter. Bitcoin is a real, viable, and credible alternative, because there is nothing hidden about it.
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it turns out that only 927 people own more than the 50% of bitcoin in circulation
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I'm not sure of the exact number, but you are welcome to own more if you like. Nobody is stopping you from buying it.
being able to get Bitcoins with computational power has to date the same probability of going out for dinner together with Kate Moss and making her eat something.
That seems like a rather insulting and insensitive thing to say about Kate Moss. Regardless, you clearly don't understand how bitcoin mining works.
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The major exchanges are on MtGox
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What? No.
MtGox doesn't even exist as a solvent company any longer. Any transactions with them should have been considered very high risk since at least January of 2013.
I buy it for 1200$
Ok, some Bitcoin Jesus said 10,000$ there is space enough. To date, in the meanwhile, they have become 360 $ but it is known... that's speculation
Yes. That's speculation. It might be $10,000 some day. That day could be tomorrow, or next week, or next month, or next year, or next decade, or never.
It could also drop to less than $0.01 per bitcoin. That day could be tomorrow, or next week, or next month, or next year, or next decade, or never.
Bitcoin is still in its infancy and is a very volatile experimental system. You shouldn't be storing your money with something if you dont' understand the risks involved.
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The blockchain is the turning point of everything. The wonderful protocol
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Correct. The blockchain is a very important part of the protocol. It allows a distributed system of users to arrive at an agreed consensus on the ordering of transactions.
see the nodes, from 250,0000 to less than 7,000?
It is very difficult to get an accurate count of nodes. Nodes don't connect to a central server, therefore any attempt to count them will always miss some of them.
My legs are trembling, I am sweating, I am downloading apps on my smartphone to keep myself updated about prices on the exchanges 360$, 400$, and 360$ again,
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If you can't handle the volatility of the bitcoin exchange rate without experiencing such severe stress, then you really shouldn't have exchange so much of your money for so much bitcoin.
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I wonder how many people use bitcoin except rich people? OMG only 500 thousand people!
Any such number is purely a guess. There is no way to know exactly how many people are using bitcoins. You can count unspent outputs, but because there are services that provide users with accounts, it is possible for thousands of people to be sharing a single unspent output.
And 47 of them have more than 10Mln $ in BTC.
47 people? Can you name them? If not, then how do you know that it is only 47 people?
I close my pc, I switch off my mobile phone and I send an e-mail:
If your phone is off and your PC is "closed", how are you going to send an email?
Dear Mr. Nakamoto, are you perhaps working at 'Nsa at Cia or in Wall Street? Since this revolution is new born but it seems so old...
Since Nakamoto is long gone and has no influence over bitcoin, why would it matter where he works?
A former bitcoin lover.
Good riddance.