Where do you think is best to get reliable information ?
Most people feel reluctant to spend time in the library and maybe not user friendly to them, although vital information can be gotten there.
The internet makes access to information easy. I see the internet as a huge conglomerate of unrestricted and uncontrolled information. Hence for the fact that is is uncontrolled and information can easily be provided/obtained from anyone qualified or unqualified, information gotten must be verified as it is not completely reliable.
Reliable information can be obtained from the library owing that they are hard copies of information or research that has gone through proper analysis before publishing, however this information may be outdated and not applicable to some present day situations. The information there are reliable for reference purposes.
It make sense to compared it that way, The other downside of using Internet aside from what you mention above was there's a lot of distraction that can affect to a user research such as social media, games and videos unlike library that user can focus on there goal without any distraction.
Students nowadays can't focus anymore on studies online especially on this Pandemic because they are addicted on social media which will not happened if they are studying in physical learning area such as library or school.
You can say all of this again, this generation becoming so reluctant to read, they see spending time with books in the library as a total waist....not knowing most important if not all are not well organized in the internet but very well in the library.
While trying to utilize the internet, distractions will sure come@Op you've already made mention of them video games, social media sites, although the internet makes life very easy for a whole lot to access the E-library at anytime.
Few ways user or researchers can be affected in the library is a result of distractions from another user, of which I know the library is doiy a great job to keep the library a quiet place for every user.
Not attending to a user within fifteen minutes can make him paranoid,feels like a total waist of time visiting the library.
So, all I'm saying is that the internet is good as well the library but the library has been regarded low level by too many people.