I had a family member that got cancer very recently, since she had insurance she was capable of getting free private hospital care (which was amazing) and between learning she has cancer and getting the surgery was just 6 days, on 7th day she was out of surgery and relaxing in her hospital bed, in 2 weeks after learning she was back at home, now she is going to get chemotherapy for 6 months (once every two weeks) and that is what insurance can bring you here. Maybe in other nations it could be different. Plus there are way more different insurances then just health as well.
If you understand the usages of this service and you are very capable to pay, it will help you a lot in terms of assistance.
Paying a monthly contributions secure your spot in any emergency that may happen. If you are a practical type of person you will avail this
kind of service. Some see this as good advantage while other see this as extra expense.
Good points but claiming what you (or your family) actually deserve sometimes can really be a cumbersome and time consuming process. That is probably one of the major issues when people need to decide either against or for a life insurance. Not only are you insuring yourself in order to make sure that your family is safe is something happens, but you are also betting on the company actually paying out that money.
I just took the headline of OP by his word. Everyone should have a health insurance and that stuff usually works out smoothly in most of the countries around the world I guess. But even in developed countries with a solid banking and insurance sector there can be problems claiming the money.