We have to choose the right pieces and get them together , if we choose them wisely we will have a dream life and if not it will be full of dislocations and struggles!
Main parts of this puzzle are study, proper job , marriage, smart housing move and retirement plan! We shall Live like economist and study each step economically.
Well, for starters, you need to understand that the more complex the world you live in, the bigger and wider the "problems" will be. If you leave for some wild farming distances - you will have almost no problems (the need for food is only growing) - get up early in the morning, have breakfast, and work with your family and employees. Then lunch, then work again, then dinner and sleep
And so all my life. Oh yes - also repair tractors sometimes
Or you can move to the financial center of the world. And try to get there. But there it is already necessary - an excellent education, support or protégé in employment in companies, the ability to spin 24 * 7, search for information, learn to read the hidden meaning, know 1,005,000 options for the impact of an event on other markets, ....
And so for 20-30 years, then a financial cushion will be accumulated ... Unless, of course, everything works out for you
Well, then a happy rest of life on snow-white beaches, good medicine, good things and a beautiful environment. Those. You choose the complexity of your life. If you want a harder path and a higher reward, be prepared to push harder, learn, work, make mistakes, get stressed. If you want fewer risks and not very high demands on life, choose such areas.