use LWP::UserAgent;
use DBI;
open(my $fh, '>>', 'errorlog') or die ("Could not open file 'errorlog' $!");
open(my $logs, '>>', 'logs') or die ("Could not open file 'logs' $!");
my $db = DBI-> connect("dbi:SQLite:/usersdb") || die ("Can't open database");
my $URL = "";
my @html; #The HTML will be saved here
my $reply = "";
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 1 });
my $res = $ua->get("https://bitcointalk.org/index.php");
($today) = $res->decoded_content =~ /(\w+ \d{1,2}, \d{4},) [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9] (?:AM|PM)<\/span>/s;
my $ref = $db->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT bttid FROM accounts WHERE bttid <> ''" ); #return an array reference to an array of all the user ids to watch.
my @ress = @$ref; #redundant but I like it for readability.
foreach( @ress ) {
foreach $i (0..$#$_) { #Loops through the current array, in this case just the ID.
print $logs "$_->[$i] is the current ID.\n";
`sleep 1`;
print $reply;
close $fh;
close $logs;
exit(0); ##Done
sub parseHTML() {
my (@quoted, @content, @date, @name, @post);
@content = @date = @name = @post = ('','','','','');
my $s = 32; #This variable is the line to start at that contains the first comment info.
($user) = ($html[4] =~ /
($nposts) = ($html[19] =~ /.*?(\d+)<\/a>\s$/); #Line 20 contains the number of pages, each page has 5 posts except maybe the last.
print $logs "The BTT username you are looking up is $user\n";
#print $logs "That user has $nposts pages which is about " . 5*$nposts . " posts.\n";
for (my $i=0; $i <= 4; $i++){
($post[$i], $name[$i]) = ($html[$s] =~ /.*(.*)<\/a>$/); $s+=3; #Extract URL/Name of comment, then increment line by 3 for date.
($date[$i]) = ($html[$s] =~ /on: (.*)/); $s+=5; #Date for above is 3 lines after, then increment by 5 for the post body.
$date[$i] =~ s/Today<\/b> at/$today/;
#print $logs "$i: $name[$i] - $post[$i] ( $date[$i] ).\n";
($quoted[$i]) = ($html[$s] =~ /Quote from: (.+?) on ([A-Z]|<)/); #Check if the post is quoting another. If so this will be the default recipient.
if ($quoted[$i]) { ($content[$i]) = ($html[$s] =~ /.*<\/div>
(.*)<\/div>$/); }
else { ($content[$i]) = ($html[$s] =~ /.*
$s+=20; #The above contains the post body and possible quoted user. Now increment 20 lines for next URL/Name of comment.
unless ($quoted[$i]) { $quoted[$i] = "nobody"; }
$content[$i] =~ s/(
)/ /g;
$content[$i] =~ s/(<[^>]*>)//g;
#print $logs "Quoting($quoted[$i]), Body[$i]: \"$content[$i]\"\n";
if (&isProcessedPost($user, $date[$i])) { return; }
if ($amount = &isMarking($content[$i])) { &ProcessMarking($user, $quoted[$i], $content[$i], $amount, $post[$i]); }
sub ProcessMarking() {
my ($potentialSender, $potentialRecipient, $body, $sendAmount, $plink) = @_;
my ($reason, $precipient, $newAmountS, $newAmountR, $balanceS, $balanceR, $idS, $idR, $sender, $recipient);
##Set recipient
($precipient) = $body =~ /(?:\s|\A)@"(.*?)"(?:\s|\Z|\z)/g;
($precipient) = $body =~ /(?:\s|\A)@(\S*)(?:\s|\Z|\z)/g unless ($precipient);
if (!$precipient && ($potentialRecipient eq 'nobody')) { print $fh "Error marking detected by $user but no recipient can be established!\n"; exit(0); }
if ($precipient && $potentialRecipient eq 'nobody') { $potentialRecipient = $precipient; }
##Set the reason
($reason) = $body =~ /^(.*)?;/;
($reason) = $body =~ /^(.{1,512})/ unless ($reason);
##Send out the information to the database
$reason =~ s/"/"/g;
$reason =~ s/'/'/g;
$reason =~ s/>/>/g;
$reason =~ s/</g;
$potentialSender = (lc($potentialSender) . "\@btt");
$potentialRecipient = (lc($potentialRecipient) . "\@btt");
my @arr;
my $sth = $db->prepare('SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE bttname = ?'); $sth->execute($potentialSender); @arr = $sth->fetchrow_array;
if (@arr) {
$balanceS = $arr[1]; $idS = $arr[3]; $sender = $potentialSender;
$newAmountS = $balanceS - $sendAmount;
if ($newAmountS >= 0) {
my $sth = $db->prepare('SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE bttname = ?'); $sth->execute($potentialRecipient); @arr = $sth->fetchrow_array;
if (@arr) {
$balanceR = $arr[1]; $idR = $arr[3]; $recipient = $potentialRecipient;
$newAmountR = $balanceR + $sendAmount;
print $logs "Calling recordTransacion with ($sender, $recipient, $newAmountS, $newAmountR, $reason, $plink)\n";
&recordTransaction($sender, $recipient, $newAmountS, $newAmountR, $reason, $sendAmount, $plink);
} else {
my $potentialRecipientStripped = ($potentialRecipient =~ s/\@btt$//r);
#print $potentialRecipientStripped;
$sth = $db->prepare('SELECT id FROM allUsers WHERE LOWER(name) = ?'); $sth->execute($potentialRecipientStripped); @arr = $sth->fetchrow_array;
if (@arr) {
#print @arr;
$recipient = $potentialRecipient; $idR = $arr[0];
$sth = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO accounts VALUES ( \"\", \"0\", \"$potentialRecipient\", \"$arr[0]\" )"); $sth->execute();
$newAmountR = $sendAmount;
print $logs "Calling recordTransacion with ($sender, $recipient, $newAmountS, $newAmountR, $reason, $plink)\n";
&recordTransaction($sender, $recipient, $newAmountS, $newAmountR, $reason, $sendAmount, $plink);
} else { print $fh "Could not load $potentialRecipient ID attempted amount was $sendAmount\n"; }
} else { print $fh "$sender, sorry not enough funds.\n"; }
} else { print $fh "$sender, marking detected but user has no account.\n"; }
sub recordTransaction() {
my ($sender, $recipient, $newAmountS, $newAmountR, $reason, $sendAmount, $plink) = @_;
$sth = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO transactions VALUES ( \"$sender\", \"$recipient\", \"$sendAmount\", \"$reason\" )"); $sth->execute();
if ($sender ne $recipient) {
$sth = $db->prepare("UPDATE accounts SET balance = \"$newAmountS\" WHERE bttname = \"$sender\""); $sth->execute();
$sth = $db->prepare("UPDATE accounts SET balance = \"$newAmountR\" WHERE bttname = \"$recipient\""); $sth->execute();
$reply .= "$sender awarded $sendAmount₥ to $recipient. ( $plink )\n";
} else {
$reply .= "$sender awarded $sendAmount₥ to themselves. ( $plink )\n";
sub isMarking() {
my $body = shift;
my $amount;
($amount) = $body =~ /(?:\s|\A)[+]([1-9][0-9]*)(?:\s|\Z|\.|!|\?)/; #Regex to check if the post is a marking
return $amount;
sub isProcessedPost() {
my ($postAcnt, $postDate) = @_;
my $sth = $db->prepare('SELECT name, time FROM processedPosts WHERE name = ? AND time = ?');
$sth->execute($postAcnt, $postDate);
my @arr = $sth->fetchrow_array;
if (@arr) { return 1; } #The transaction has already been processed so return.
else {
$db->do( "INSERT INTO processedPosts VALUES ( \"$postAcnt\", \"$postDate\" ) " ); #The transaction has not been processed, so add it to the processed lists since it wil be processed after.
return 0;
sub loadHTML() {
$Uid = shift;
$URL = "https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=" . $Uid . ";sa=showPosts;wap2;start=0";
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 1 });
my $res = $ua->get($URL);
@html = split(/\n/, $res->decoded_content);