Project is great, definitely appreciated!
Thanks for that one, the way you handled those POST arrays was really cool.
I'm new to all of this and takes a little bit to get up to speed!
There is a copy of miner.php in the root of the git repo, it was written by another guy here called kano (He is one of the cgminer developers). It was sort of the reference PHP client that I built everything on. No origional code exists anymore in MinePeon but i still keep it there for posterity.
* cpu usage
* cpu temperature
I found some info on how arch linux handles cpu temperature:
/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp
Alternatively, simply read from the filesystem:
% cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp
Perhaps we could include portions of that project? License for the project seems to allow that:
CPU temp is already being recorded the same way that hashrate is, if you look in /opt/minepeon/etc/cron.d/5min/ there is a file called cputemp or something that handles it, the rrd is output to the normal place (I don't have a peon in front of me so I am relying on memory for paths).
Anyways, glad to have you aboard!