Is there anyone working on the code anymore? I would like to run Minepeon on my Banana PI's. How would you get minepeon installed on a Banana Pi?. Can't use the port as it is as it does not run on the Banana. Any ideas?
it says its compatible with most raspberry pi software. i see nop harm in attempting a install. if it doesnt work simply wipe your sd card
if using windows follow the main directions and window directions
if using linux follow man and linux directions
if using mac your on your own
1) download minepeon for the raspberry pi (
2) put your sd card in your reader and attach it to your computer
3) once your download of mine peon is completed extract the zip your file is "MinePeon-"
1) download and install win32diskimager (http[Suspicious link removed]/download)
1b) if you do not have the full space on your card. use sd formatter ( and enable size adjust in options
2) open win32discimager (its in the image writter folder of your start menu)
3) click the folder icon, navigate yo where you saved "MinePeon-" and load it
4) to the right of the folder icon is a drive letter, make sure your sd card is selected
5) now click write. and wait for it to finish depending on your card and usb bus speed this could take a few minutes to a hour
open terminal
use the command (you may need to use sudo)
dd if=[location of MinePeon-] of=[location of sd card] bs=[card speed]
my command to install mine peon is
dd if=/home/[userid]/documents/MinePeon- of=/dev/sdb bs=10M
swap [location of MinePeon-] with the location of the minepeon image
[location of sd card] with the location of your sdcard (ie /dev/sdb)
[card speed] with the speed of your sd card see below
class 2 = 2M
class 4 = 4M
class 6 = 6M
class 10 = 10M
U1 = 10M
U3 = 30M
if you want to monitor dd. open another terminal and input
watch -n5 'sudo kill -USR1 $(pgrep ^dd)'
i recommend a class 10 card for any mining diostros