If your using an app to secure Linux you probably shouldn't be using Linux. You should and be able to secure Linux with nothing but the terminal and commands.
So people who dont know how to use these commands (99.999% of the earth population) should not use Linux?
Exactly that is why their are linux security people, that just deal with this type of thing. Otherwise their be no need for them. It is also great thing to learn. You think 99.9999% of the earth population knows how to secure windows, no.
If your using an app to secure Linux you probably shouldn't be using Linux. You should and be able to secure Linux with nothing but the terminal and commands. But thanks for asking cause now I know two sites I will not be using.
Please explain what sites your talking about?
When you type something in to the command line what do you think your doing??? Your using a program from the command line!
AppArmor from what I can see works like a firewall (In a way) and might be very useful.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AppArmorYour sites. If your using linux as a server.
Programing from the command line is kinda of a stretch. I am not going to explain cause you really should know what the command line does. Also you already have a firewall, the only think that you should add is probably an application that monitor's if a file gets changed, and IDS (Intrusion detection system) only things you should add. You already have a good firewall on linux if you know how to configure it why use a 3rd party one.
Gweedo lives in a world of bits, codes & commands, but most of the "ordinary" people live in a world of streets, dogs, trees, beer, sex and tv. Nerds tend to forget about the "offline" world
LMAO thanks for the insult, but if you actually saw me, you have no idea I knew anything about linux or bitcoins. Actually when I start talking to other computer people, they are really surprised of how much I know from my looks. I enjoy sex, tv and beer.
What makes you assume since I run Linux on my PC I am running servers too, and what make you think I am wanting to program from the command line.
From your posts I would not take any advice from you, your just a troll wanting to spout off your programming knowledge if you have any, I don't give a crap, go tell some one who cares!!!!
If you have the time, read about AppArmor, it is in Ubuntu by default. But you won't.